far-seeing 有先見的;看得遠的;far-seeing plan 遠景規劃;
1.The expression should be dignified and gentle with deep, faithful, far-seeing eyes. 表情威嚴而文雅,有一雙深深的、忠誠的、遙望遠方的眼睛。
2.Or the eyes, blue and far-seeing, as if they measured out panoramas of Western mountain and desert. 還有人說他那藍色的眼睛彷彿永遠在眺望,遠望著西部的山巒與荒漠,正如他修長健碩的古銅色身軀一般。
3.Very many far-seeing enterprises already from in the network use convenience and the superiority realized to constructs oneself website the necessity. 很多有遠見的企業已經從網絡使用的便利與優勢中體會到建設自己網站的必要性。