





a. stomachal ,stomachic


gastric['ɡæstrik]adj. 胃的;胃部的


gastric 胃的;有關胃的;胃的,胃部的;胃的 胃的;Gastric tube 胃管;釋義:胃管;gastric acid 胃酸;胃酸?;gastric emptying 胃排空;胃的排空;需要較多時間消化;胃半排空時間;gastric colic 胃絞痛;


1.Hospital of Shanghai where home treats gastric disease excuse me (chronic gastritis) better? 請問上海哪家醫院治療胃病(慢性胃炎)比較好?

2.Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric &infection in our intestine. 用餐後不要立即睡覺--這樣我攝取的食物將?有辦法得到適當的消化,因此可能導致胃部和腸部的感染。

3.Results:The positive rate of telomerase in gastric carcinoma and paracancer is 9

4. 1%(48/51) and 3

3. 3%(17/51), no telomerase activity in 51 normal gastric tissues. 結果:51例胃癌組織中端粒酶陽性表達48例(94。1%),癌旁組織為17例(33。3%),遠端正常胃組織未檢測出端粒酶活性。


intermediate gastric carcinoma - 中期胃癌

simulated gastric fluid - 人工胃液

retained gastric antrum - 保留胃竇

immunoreactive gastric inhibiting polypeptide - 免疫反應性胃抑制多肽

gastric antibody; intrinsic factor antibody - 內在因子抗體

ice water gastric lavage - 冰水洗胃

duodenal ectopic gastric mucosa - 十二指腸內胃粘膜異位

multiple gastric polyps - 多發性胃息肉

ectopic gastric mucosa - 異位胃粘膜

acute gastric dilatation - 急性胃擴張

acute gastric mucosal bleeding - 急性胃粘膜出血

acute hemorrhagic lesion of gastric mucosa - 急性胃粘膜出血性病變

acute gastric mucosal lesion - 急性胃粘膜病變

chronic gastric hypersecretion - 慢性胃液溢

gastric inhibitory polypepitde; gastricinhibitionpolypeptide - 抑胃多肽

neonatal gastric perforation; neonatal stomach perforation - 新生兒胃穿孔

ductless gastric fluid analysis - 無管界液分析

tubeless gastric acid test - 無胃管胃酸測定

early type gastric carcinoma - 早期型胃癌

early stage of gastric cancer - 早期胃癌

advancde carcinoma of stomach; late gastric canceer - 晚期胃癌

normal gastric acid curve - 正常胃酸曲線

superficial gastric cancer - 淺表型胃癌

peptic gastric ulcer - 消化性胃潰瘍

inferior gastric lymph nodes; lymphonodi gastrici caudales - 胃下淋巴結

gastric plexus; plexus gastrici - 胃叢

gastric evacuation - 胃內容排空

gastric content - 胃內容物

gastric emptying rate - 胃內容物排出速度

transgastric ligation of gastric varices - 胃內曲張靜脈縫扎術

anterior gastric branches; rami gastrici anteriores - 胃前支

gastric function test - 胃功能試驗

gastric chemodectoma - 胃化學感受組織瘤

areae gastricae; gastric areas - 胃區

gastric crisis - 胃危象

gastric impression; impressio gastrica - 胃壓跡

arteria gastrica dextra; right gastric artery - 胃右動脈

right gastric vein; vena gastrica dextra - 胃右靜脈

posterior gastric branches; rami gastrici posteriores - 胃後支

gastric pouch - 胃囊

gastric cyst - 胃囊腫

gastric pattern - 胃型

gastric wall; stomach wall - 胃壁

gastric parietal cell antibody - 胃壁細胞抗體

defect of gastric wall - 胃壁缺損

gastric parietography - 胃壁造影

gastric capacity - 胃容量

foveola gastrica; gastric pit - 胃小凹

arteria gastrica sinistra; left gastric artery - 胃左動脈

left gastric vein; venagastrica sinistra - 胃左靜脈


異常胃液分泌,胃液分泌異常 - abnormal gastric secretion

n.急性胃擴張 - acute gastric dilatation

n.急性胃粘膜出血 - acute gastric mucosal bleeding

n.急性胃粘膜病變 - acute gastric mucosal lesion

n.急性胃粘膜出血性病變 - acute hemorrhagic lesion of gastric mucosa

n.醇胃試驗 - alcohol gastric test

n.胃前支 - anterior gastric branches

n.胃粘膜萎縮 - atrophy of gastric mucosa

n.胃粘膜屏障 - barrier of gastric mucosa

博馬型胃癌 - Bowman's type I progressive gastric cancer

n.胃液分泌頭期 - cephalic phase of gastric secretion

n.慢性胃液溢 - chronic gastric hypersecretion

n.胃液採取術 - collection of gastric juice

n.胃壁缺損 - defect of gastric wall

n.十二指腸內胃粘膜異位 - duodenal ectopic gastric mucosa

n.無管界液分析 - ductless gastric fluid analysis

早期胃癌 - early gastric cancer

n.早期胃癌 - early stage of gastric cancer

n.早期型胃癌 - early type gastric carcinoma

n.胃粘膜異位 - ectopia of gastric mucosa

n.異位胃粘膜 - ectopic gastric mucosa

n.胃液分泌胃期 - gastric phase of gastric secretion

n.胃竇腺 - glands of gastric antrum

n.高位胃潰瘍 - high gastric ulcer

n.冰水洗胃 - ice water gastric lavage

n.芬威克氏病 - idiopathic gastric atrophy

n.免疫反應性胃抑制多肽 - immunoreactive gastric inhibiting polypeptide

n.胃下淋巴結 - inferior gastric lymph nodes

n.中期胃癌 - intermediate gastric carcinoma

n.胃粘膜腸上皮化生 - intestinal metaplasia in gastric mucosa

n.胃液分泌腸期 - intestinal phase of gastric secretion

n.食管內胃粘膜異位 - intraesophageal ectopic gastric mucosa

n.晚期胃癌 - late gastric canceer

n.胃左動脈 - left gastric artery

n.胃左靜脈 - left gastric vein

n.胃潰瘍惡變 - malignant change of gastric ulcer

n.胃癌模型 - model of gastric carcinoma

n.多發性胃息肉 - multiple gastric polyps

n.新生兒胃穿孔 - neonatal gastric perforation

n.正常胃酸曲線 - normal gastric acid curve

n.消化性胃潰瘍 - peptic gastric ulcer

n.胃癌穿孔 - perforation of gastric carcinoma

n.胃後支 - posterior gastric branches

原發胃液特性 - primary gastric juice character

n.胃粘膜脫垂 - prolapse of gastric mucosa

n.近側胃迷走神經切斷術 - proximal gastric vagotomy

n.近側胃迷走神經切除及幽門成形術 - proximal gastric vagotomy and pyloroplasty

n.胃管代食管再造術 - reconstruction of esophagus with gastric tube

n.胃酸反流 - regurgitation of gastric juice

n.保留胃竇 - retained gastric antrum


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