





gettingn. 獲得;采煤,採掘v. 獲得;瞭解(get的現在分詞);抓住


getting 采煤;採掘;獲取;獲得(利益);Getting Lost 迷路;迷路了;Getting Airsick 暈機;暈機怎麼辦;hand getting 手採;Getting Directions 找方向;問路;找路;迷路問路;


1.Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you have. 成功是獲得你想要的,而幸福是喜歡你所擁有的。

2.Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post. 通過了英語考試該會增加你獲得這個職位的機會。

3.Getting more education is the most obvious way to invest in your career, but why not go further? 獲得更多教育是投資於自己事業最為明顯的方式,但是,為什麼不更進一步?


How are you getting on with your studies? - 你功課情況如何?

My friends will get a big kick out of getting these. - 送勞力士,我同事准樂死了!

Active Sports is getting a solid reputation for having top of the line products. - Active Sports的產品質量上乘,而且取得了很好的聲譽。

It's getting late. Please excuse me, but I must leave right away. - 時間不早了。對不起,我得趕緊走了。

He's getting some on the side. - 他偷偷地跟別人有關係。

They're getting divorced. - 他們快要離婚了。

You keep getting fatter and fatter. - 你一天比一天胖。

Am I getting a good deal on this? - 這買這個值嗎?

Have you been getting enough rest? - 你休息的足夠嗎?

It's getting late. - 時間不早了。

I'm glad to see you two guys getting along so well - 看到你們兩位相處得這麼好我很高興,

I know we're getting some attention now, - 我認為我們現在固然漸漸引起一些注意,

of getting them to spend more time together. - 能讓他們有更多時間相處。

The days are getting longer. - 白天越來越長了。

Everything I earn helps us towards getting that house - 我的每一筆進帳都可幫助我們得到那幢房子

My niece is getting married, - 我侄女即將結婚,

before getting to the tough stuff--math. - 在對付難纏的東西 數學 之前。

He'll do anything to avoid getting down to math lessons, - 他老是設法想逃避數學,

They had some ideas about getting the place fixed up. - 他們對於怎麼樣修復這個地方有些構想。

Yeah, they're getting the assembly hall - 是啊,他們在佈置大禮堂

It's getting late, and we have a bit of a drive. - 已經晚了, 而我們還要開好一段路呢。

I don't see what you are getting at. - 我不明白你究竟是什麼意思。

He stands a good chance of getting the job. - 他很有希望得到那份工作。

What are the chances of my getting on the next flight? - 我登上下一次航班的可能性有多大?

I think you are getting off the subject. Could we get back to the main point, please? - 我覺得你跑題了。 我們能不能回到主題上來?

What are you getting at? - 你想說明什麼?

Loosen up! it's not worth getting upset about. - 放鬆點兒! 不值得為這件事苦惱。

I am not getting what I bargained for. - 當時說好的可不是這個樣子。

I'm most grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there. - 你不厭其煩地給我解釋去那裡的最佳途徑,我對些深表感激。

He seems to be getting on very well at school. - 他在學校似乎過得很好。

How's your son getting on with his English? - 你兒子的英語學得好嗎?

I'm not getting on very fast with this job. - 我這份工作進展不快。

He is good at getting a point across to people. - 他善於讓人信服他的觀點。

It's tough getting an O.K. from the boss. - 很難從老闆那聽到聲「同意」。

A year is really a short time, and later you will be glad you postponed getting married. - 一年其實是很短的,過後你將會為你推遲了婚期而感到高興的。

You must get used to getting up early. - 你必須習慣於早起。

You don't stand a chance of getting the job! - 你是沒有機會得到這個工作的。

Not getting the job was a terrible disap-pointment. - 得不到那份工作,叫人失望極了。

So he is gradually getting used to thinking in English. - 因此他正養成用英語思維的習慣。

And they are very proud of their son's success in getting a scholarship to Harvard. - 他們為兒子獲得哈佛的獎學金頁感到非常自豪。

He's getting used to thinking in English. - 他正在養成用英語思維的習慣。

If we had been more careful, we would be getting much better results now. - 如果我們更為細心的話,成績會更好。

You can forget that! You don't stand a chance of getting the job. - 算了吧!你沒有機會得到那份工作的。

The sky is getting very cloudy. - 天空的雲越來越多了。

I try to be punctual in getting dinner on the table. - 我一向設法讓晚餐菜餚準時上餐桌。

His bad English is a bar to his getting a job. - 他的英語很差,這是他找工作的一個障礙。

The days are getting hotter. - 日子正在變得更熱。

After getting up,I go into the bathroom and take a shower. - 在起床以後,我走進洗澡間並沖個澡。

There was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi. - 外面有一大群人並我們有很困難招一輛出租車。

To be afraid of getting a ticket - 害怕得到交通罰款單


getting rid of distracting thoughts - 制心止

insect getting into the ear - 百蟲入耳


n.百蟲入耳 - insect getting into the ear

老化性預防 - prevention from getting older

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