mastectomies[mæ'stektəmi]n. [醫]乳房切除術
mastectomies 乳房切除術;
1.About 66, 000 women in the United States had mastectomies in 2006, the latest figures available, according to the federal government. 根據聯邦政府最新數據,全美2006年約有66,000婦女接受乳房切除手術。
2.On the other ha nd, prophylactic mastectomies are accepted by the patients who have higher risk to develop breast cancer during their whole life . 而為了阻斷高危險性的乳腺向乳腺癌發展,預防性乳房切除術也正在被患者接受。
3.I had an opportunity to observe surgeries, from mastectomies to hysterectomies and bypasses, and to see firsthand the importance of positive doctor-patient interactions. 我有了一個機會觀察手術,從 乳房切除到子宮切除, 並且直接地看到了醫生和病人之間互動的重要性。