periglacial[,perə'ɡleiʃən]adj. 冰緣的n. 冰緣,冰邊
periglacial 冰緣;冰川邊緣;冰緣的;冰川邊緣的 冰緣 冰緣的;periglacial deposits 冰緣沉積;periglacial stage 冰緣期;periglacial landform 冰緣地貌;periglacial phenomena 冰緣現象;冰緣現象 周冰河現象;
1.A number of these changes represented adaptations to grazing in Siberia's periglacial conditions. 牠們之間有許多變化,都是對冰河期之前的西伯利亞環境的適應。
2.periglacial areas are the characteristics of permafrost and the frozen surface - into the turn, a variety of ice around the landscape. 冰緣區的特徵是有多年凍土和地表的凍-融交替,形成各種各樣的冰繞地貌。
3.The cryosphere of Tianshan Mountains refers to periglacial and glacial environment, where the processes and natural hazards show also regional and vertical difference. 天山冰雪圈指的是冰緣和冰川地貌景觀帶,其中的過程與自然災害同樣具有區域性和垂直性的分異。