bureaucratisation[bjuə,rɔkrətai'zeiʃən; -ti'z-]n.bureaucratise的變形vi.,vt.[主英國英語] = bureaucratize變形: bureaucratised , bureaucratising
1.Back in 1942 Joseph Schumpeter gave warning that the bureaucratisation of capitalism was killing the spirit of entrepreneurship. 回首1942年,約瑟夫
2.Back in 1942 Joseph Schumpeter gave warning that the bureaucratisation of capitalism was killing the spirit of entrepreneurship. 早在1942年,JosephSchumpeter就曾給出警告:官僚資本主義會扼殺創業精神。
3.Lenin stressed again and again that the bureaucratisation of the Soviet regime was not a technical question, but the potential beginning of the degeneration of the worker's state. 特別是列寧不只一次地指出過,蘇維埃制度的官僚化不只技術問題或組織問題,而是工人國家社會蛻化之可能的始點。