Paintbrush['peintbrʌʃ]n. 畫筆;漆刷
paintbrush 畫筆;畫筆軟件;畫刷;畫筆 漆刷 塗料刷;PC Paintbrush 個人電腦塗抹刷程式;個人計算機塗抹刷程序;paintbrush picture 畫筆圖片;giant paintbrush 巨畫筆草;B Paintbrush 畫筆工具;
1.Use Write, Notepad, Paintbrush, and Character Map for publishing or writing tasks. 用書寫器、記事本、畫筆、字符映射表完成排版或打印任務。
2.I take the paintbrush tool, select a red-brown color, and paint over the line using Overlay in the Options box. 我使用畫筆工具,選擇紅棕色,在工具箱選擇覆蓋來塗抹線條。
3.And this was all before the tricky stuff, when chocolate was cut into fans with a fine-bladed knife, or the final swirl of mango coulis was licked on with a paintbrush. 這些都完成之後還有更微妙的工序:巧克力要用細刃餐刀切成薄片,芒果醬則要用油畫筆輕輕拂過。