Printing['printiŋ]n. 印刷;印刷術
printing 印刷;印花;洗印;印字;flock printing 植絨印花;植絨印花:;jet printing 噴射印花;Printing industry 印刷工業;印刷業;印染業;刷產業;through printing 漏印;絲網印版上下兩面之間的距離。 漏印;
1.To continue printing, lock magazine. 要繼續印相,鎖上紙箱。
2.Printing was introduced to Europe from China. 印刷術是由中國傳入歐洲的。
3.The invention of printing was a milestone in human progress. 印刷術的發明是人類進展的一個里程碑。
Thank you for reminding us that you will be in town next Wednesday and would like to discuss your printing services with Ms. Smith. - 謝謝你告訴我你下同週三將到達達鎮上並希望與史密斯夫人討論有關印刷服務問題。
We are very pleased with our presend arrangements for printing and definitely will not be considering any other services in the foreseeable future. - 在今後的一段時間內我們不會考慮其他的服務提供者。
adopted by banks, of printing the customer's name on his cheques. - 某些銀行已採用把儲戶姓名印在支票上的作法。
What happened before printing was invented? - 印刷術發明以前是怎麼一回事?
How did the printing come out? - 這種印刷結果怎樣?
This is a kind of printing that blind people can read by touching groups of raised points that are printed on paper. - 布萊葉盲文是一種印刷字體,盲人通過摸印在紙上起的點點來讀書。
finger printing method - 指紋圖譜法
digital printing analytical balance - 數字打印分析天平
digital printing top loading balance - 數字打印頂載式天平
n. photographic printing process - 曬藍圖法
n. photographic printing process - 照相曬印法
n.彩色印刷 - color printing
n.數字打印分析天平 - digital printing analytical balance
n.數字打印頂載式天平 - digital printing top loading balance
分辨,鑒別 - finger printing
n.指紋圖譜法 - finger printing method