





n. reconstruction period ,reconstructive memory


reconstruction[,ri:kən'strʌkʃən]n. 再建,重建;改造;復興


reconstruction 重建;改建;復原;重新建造;Reconstruction Blues 反思;Image reconstruction 圖像重構 從非圖像形式構造或恢復圖像的過程;像重現;影像重現;影像重建;reconstruction works 重建工程;surface reconstruction 表面改建;表面重構;曲面重建;表面[原子]重建;


1.Objective: To analyse and report the reconstruction of forearm function by fibular transfer with vascular anastomoses. 文摘:目的:分析和報道吻合血管的腓骨移植重建前臂功能的效果。

2.Vindication for "Metaphysics"——A Survey on "Metaphysics" and Its Significance during the Period of Culture Reconstruction. 為「形而上學」辯護——「形而上學」在中國現代文化重建過程中的意義考察。

3.The reconstruction of classroom culture is not only concerns the development of students, class life quality of teachers, but also the improvement of quality of China. 可以說,課堂文化的重建不僅關係到學生的發展、教師的課堂生活質量,而且關係到中華民族國民素質的提高。


reconstruction of superior fornix - 上穹窿再造術

reconstruction of inferior conjuctiva fornix - 下穹窿結膜囊成形術

reconstruction ofbladderwith sigmoid; replacement of bladder by sigmoid - 乙狀結腸代膀胱

reconstruction of events - 事件重建

algebraic reconstruction techneque; art - 代數重建技術

reconstruction of nose; reconstructive rhinoplasty - 全鼻再造術

reconstruction of stomach with jejunum - 單腔空腸代胃術

reconstruction of auditory ossicular chain - 聽骨鏈重建術

reconstruction of bladder with ileum - 迴腸代膀胱術

reconstruction of ureter with ileum - 迴腸代輸尿管術

n. reconstruction image - 圖像再現

reconstruction of face contour - 復原面容

reconstruction of ruptured prostatic urethra; urethral reunion operation - 尿道會師手術

reconstruction of artery - 影質酩

functional reconstruction of thumb - 拇功能重建

reconstruction of thumb - 拇指再建術

reconstruction of lymphatic duct - 淋巴管再建

reconstruction of urinary bladder with rectum - 直腸代膀胱術

reconstruction of orbital floor - 眶底重建術

reconstruction of stomach with jejunum - 空腸代胃術

reconstruction of esophagus with jrjunum - 空腸代食管術

reconstruction of esophagus with colon - 結腸代食管再建術

reconstruction of constrictive conjunctival sac - 縮窄性結膜囊再造術

reconstruction of anal sphincter - 肛門括約肌再造術

reconstruction of esophagus with gastric tube - 胃管代食管再造術

reconstruction of parotid duct - 腮腺導管再造術

n. reconstruction image - 重建圖像

reconstruction of penis - 陰莖再造

resction and reconstruction of carina - 隆凸切除再建術

reconstruction of nose - 鼻再造術

reconstruction of nasal bones - 鼻骨再建術


n.代數重建技術 - algebraic reconstruction techneque

n.手指再建術 - finger reconstruction

n.拇功能重建 - functional reconstruction of thumb

咬合改良法 - occlusal reconstruction

n.人格重建 - personality reconstruction

n.腎血管修復術 - repovescular reconstruction

n.隆凸切除再建術 - resction and reconstruction of carina

組織重建 - tissue reconstruction

n.上瞼重建術 - upper lid reconstruction

n.尿道再造術 - urethral reconstruction

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