spader['speidə]n. 鏟具;用鏟的人
spader 鏟具;機鏟;James Spader 詹姆斯·斯派德;詹姆斯-斯派德;詹姆斯 斯派德;詹姆斯-斯貝德;gear spader 鏟齒機;grass spader 鋤草機;grass-remover grass spader 鋤草機;
1.The spader can preserve the edible part of the pineapple to the utmost extent. 它能夠最大程度上地保留菠蘿的可食用部分。
2.woman hate bugs, Even the strong-willed ones need a man around when there is a spader or a rat involved. 時,即使意志力很強的女人也需要一個男人在身旁。
3."Race is the most incendiary topic in our history, " says Jack Lawson, a jaded, white criminal lawyer (convincingly played by James Spader) and the latest Mametian hero. 一臉厭倦的白人刑事律師傑克·勞森如是說(該角色由詹姆斯·斯派德擔綱,表演令人信服),他是最新的馬麥劇男主角。