cancer 巨蟹座;癌症;巨蟹宮,巨蟹(星)座;癌,惡性腫瘤;cancer cell 癌細胞;癌症細胞;腫瘤細胞;癌細胞;cervical cancer 子宮頸癌;宮頸癌;子宮頸癌;釋義:子宮頸癌;Cancer Krebs 巨蟹座;gastric cancer 胃癌;胃癌(幽門螺旋桿菌感染者);
1.Why the Lung Cancer Gender Gap? 為什麼肺癌有性別差異?
2.Is it possible that humans evolved to get cancer? 人類進化之後是否還有可能得癌症?
3.Mesothelioma and lung cancer are very different diseases. 間皮瘤和肺癌是非常不同的疾病。
There's a talk on cancer that might be quite interesting, so perhaps I'll go to that. - 有個關於癌症的報告可能很有意思,也許我會聽聽。
cancer of maxillary antrum; carcinoma of maxillary sinus - 上頜竇癌
cancer of maxilla - 上頜骨癌症
cancer of mandible - 下頜骨癌
southeastern cancer study group - 東南亞癌症研究小組
cancer of middle ear - 中耳癌
medullary cancer of breast - 乳房髓樣癌
breast cancer antigen - 乳癌抗原
primary cancer site - 原發癌部位
breast cancer a-bomb survivors - 原爆倖存者因輻射誘發的乳腺癌
thyroid cancer incidence - 原爆倖存者整個癌症的危險度
total cancer risk - 原爆倖存者的各種腫瘤
uterus cancer operating instruments set - 子宮癌手術刀包
radical hysterectomy for cancer of cervix - 子宮頸癌根治性子宮切除術
bone cancer in - 強直性脊椎炎病人中的骨癌
metastasis of cancer to cancer - 惡性腫瘤之間的轉移
cancer serum - 抗癌血清
cancer of late stage; latecancer - 晚期癌
nuclear magnetic resonance cancer detector - 核磁共振癌腫探測器
laser element analytical cancer diagnostic unit - 激光元素含量分析癌腫診斷儀
cancer milk - 癌乳
cancer bodies; cancerbodies - 癌小體
cancer nests - 癌巢
postoperative longterm cancer chemtherapy - 癌手術後長期化學療法
cancer family syndrome - 癌族綜合征
A cancer is malignant tumour - 癌是一種惡性腫瘤
cancer embolus - 癌栓
cancer root; cancerroot - 癌根
cancer pearl; keratin pearl - 癌珠
cancer attitutude survey - 癌症情況調查
cancer cell - 癌細胞
cancer cell nest - 癌細胞巢
cancer cell infiltration - 癌細胞浸潤
cancer serum; cancerserum - 癌血清
united cancer council - 聯合癌症委員會
cancer of lung; carcinoma of lung; pulmonary carcinoma - 肺癌
gastric cancer associated antigen - 胃癌相關抗原
cancer of common bile duct; choledochal cancer - 膽總管癌
cancer of biliary duct - 膽管癌
cancer of pancreas; carcinoma of pancreas; pancreatic cancer - 胰癌
superficial distributing cancer of stomach - 表層分佈性胃癌
cancer mollis; soft cancer - 軟癌
cancer prevention - 防癌
n.癌是一種惡性腫瘤 - A cancer is malignant tumour
腺泡癌 - acinous cancer
腺樣癌 - adenoid cancer
腺腫內癌 - adenoma cancer
副腎癌 - adrenal cancer
副腎皮質癌 - adrenal cortex cancer
進行性癌 - advanced cancer
進行癌症患者 - advanced cancer patient
氣道癌 - airway cancer
泡狀癌 - alveolar cancer
n.苯胺癌 - aniline cancer
抗上顎癌 - antimaxilla cancer
砷性癌 - arsenic cancer
腹水癌 - ascites cancer
基底細胞癌 - basal cell cancer
癌細胞浸潤轉移機制解析基盤技術 - basic technology to analyze the mechanisms of cancer invasion and metastasis
膽管癌 - bile duct cancer
膽道癌 - biliary tract cancer
膀胱癌 - bladder cancer
人類膀胱癌 - bladder cancer of man
鼠類膀胱癌 - bladder cancer of rat
n.輻射誘發的骨惡性腫瘤 - bone cancer
n.強直性脊椎炎病人中的骨癌 - bone cancer in
n.穿通性癌 - boring cancer
博馬型胃癌 - Bowman's type I progressive gastric cancer
乳癌細胞 - breast cancer cell
乳癌細胞系 - breast cancer cell line
乳癌細胞溶質 - breast cancer cytosol
乳癌患者 - breast cancer patient
乳癌組織 - breast cancer tissue
n.輻射誘發的乳腺癌,乳房癌 - breast cancer
n.原爆倖存者因輻射誘發的乳腺癌 - breast cancer a-bomb survivors
n.乳癌抗原 - breast cancer antigen
乳癌生檢材料 - breast cancer biopsy
支氣管癌 - bronchial cancer
支氣管癌,支氣管原性癌 - bronchogenic cancer
n.巴特氏癌症 - butters cancer
癌對策醫療會議 - Cabinet Council for Cancer Counter Measures
胰腺頭癌 - caput pancreatis cancer
賁門癌 - cardiac cancer
子宮頸癌 - cervical cancer
n.頸部轉移瘤 - cervical metastatic cancer
子宮頸部癌 - cervical portion cancer
頸癌 - cervix cancer
化學發癌 - chemically developed cancer
小兒癌,兒童期癌 - childhood cancer
n.膽總管癌 - choledochal cancer
循環血癌細胞 - circulating cancer cell
膠質癌,膠樣癌 - colloid cancer
結腸癌,大腸癌 - colon cancer