





n. bodily cavity ,dental caries ,enclosed space ,pit


cavity['kævəti]n. 腔;洞,凹處


cavity 型控 母模;齲齒;型腔,腔,洞;中空部分;cavity wall 空心牆;空腔壁;空斗牆;潮濕;cavity resonator 空腔共振器;諧振腔;諧振器;釋義:空腔諧振器,容積共振器;cavity flow 空泡流;氣穴流渦空流;空泡流曾用名「空腔流」。;穴流;body cavity 體腔;


1.It occupies the central cavity of bone. 它位於骨骼中央的骨髓腔裡。

2.The heart without knowledge is a cavity. 沒心知識的心是一個空洞。

3.The captive captivated by the apt adaptation rapped the cavity with rapture. 被靈巧的改編迷住了的被捕者著迷地敲打空腔。


cavity infrared therapy unit - 體腔紅外線治療機

cavity preparation - 制洞

cavity of uterine body - 子宮體腔

dead cavity volume tidal voleu; dead space to tidal volume rat; dead space to tidal volume rat死腔與潮氣量比率 - 死腔與潮氣量比率

cavity wall - 洞壁

cavity floor - 洞底

cavity form - 洞形

cavity rim - 洞緣

cavity lining - 洞襯料

cavity angle - 洞角

battery-type cavity lamp - 直流電內腔燈

cavity restoration - 窩洞修復

cavity filling - 窩洞充填

cavity preparation - 窩洞制備

cavity base - 窩洞墊基

cavity temporary sealant - 窩洞暫封劑

cavity disinfection - 窩洞消毒

cavity drainage - 空洞引流術

cavity energy - 空穴能

n. cavity formation - 空胴形成

n. cavity growth - 空胴成長

cavitas septi pelluctidi; cavity of setptum pellucidum - 透明隔腔

cavity of tunica vaginalis - 鞘膜腔

buccal cavity infection - 頰間隙感染

cavum medullare ossium; marrow cavity; medullary cavity of bones - 骨髓腔


n.腹腔 - abdominal cavity

腹腔巨噬細胞 - abdominal cavity macrophage

腹腔鏡 - abdominal cavity scope

n.急性盆腔炎 - acute pelvis of pelvic cavity

n.鼻腔粘連 - adhesion of nasal cavity

尿囊腔 - allantoic cavity

羊膜腔 - amniotic cavity

n.原腸腔 - archenteric cavity

n.關節腔 - articular cavity

n.直流電內腔燈 - battery-type cavity lamp

n.胚泡腔 - blastocyst cavity

n.體腔 - body cavity

骨腔 - bone cavity

n.髓腔植骨法 - bone graft of medullary cavity

骨髓腔 - bone marrow cavity

n.骨性鼻腔 - bony nasal cavity

n.頰間隙 - buccal cavity

n.頰間隙感染 - buccal cavity infection

n.癌性潰瘍 - cancerous cavity

口腔癌 - carcinoma of oral cavity

n.癌性潰瘍 - carcinomatous cavity

n.癌性潰瘍 - carcinous cavity

齲洞 - carious cavity

n.頰間隙蜂窩織炎 - cellulitis of buccal cavity

n.雞胚尿囊腔 - chick embryo allantoic cavity

絨毛腔,絨毛膜腔 - chorionic cavity

n.體腔 - coelomic cavity

n.齲洞分類 - classification of tooth cavity

n.分裂腔 - cleavage cavity

n.塞兌 - closing the oral cavity

n.復合洞,復合窩洞 - complex cavity

n.牙冠腔 - coronal cavity

n.顱腔 - cranial cavity

死腔 - dead cavity

n.死腔與潮氣量比率 - dead cavity volume tidal voleu

n.死腔與潮氣量比率 - dead cavity volume/tidal voleu死腔與潮氣量比率

n.牙腔 - dental cavity

中齒洞填料 - dental cavity lining

蟲齒洞形成 - dental cavity preparation

n.雙鼻腔 - double nasal cavity

齲洞消毒劑 - disinfectant for carious cavity

n.胸腔引流 - drainage of pleural cavity

n.漿膜腔積液 - dropsy of serous cavity

n.鼻乾燥 - drymess of nasal cavity

n.鼻乾燥 - dryness of nasal cavity

n.內質網囊腔 - endoplasmic reticular cavity

硬膜外腔 - epidural cavity

硬膜外腔注入法 - epidural cavity injection method

n.口舌糜爛 - erosion of mucous membrane in the oral cavity

外呼吸室,外呼吸腔 - external respiratory cavity


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