





oxiden. [化]氧化物


oxide 氧化物;氧化物,氧化層;氧化合物;哥彭順;iron oxide 氧化鐵;氧化鐵 色料;四氧化三鐵;氧化鐵 天然礦物質色料;alkylene oxide 烯化氧;環氧烷烴;環醚;氧雜環烷;polyphenylene oxide 聚硫化亞苯;聚氧化二甲苯;合成樹脂 聚苯醚;聚苯醚,聚苯醚;barium oxide 氧化鋇;一氧化鋇;鋇氧;結晶氧化鋇;


1.Process of making lustre glaze by metal oxide as colouring agent was narrated. 敘述了以金屬氧化物為著色劑的虹彩釉的製作過程。

2.It is in the most lively alkali, oxygen and can generate multiple vigorous reaction, a mixture of oxide. 在鹼金屬中它是最活潑的,能和氧發生劇烈反應,生成多種氧化物的混合物。

3.We want to buy Iron Oxide, Limonite, Kaolin Clay, Gypsum Calcium Carbonate, Sand Glass, Fire Brick, Feldspar, Quartz, Bentonite, Dolomite Metal Mineral. 我們要採購氧化鐵,褐鐵礦,高嶺土,石膏碳酸鈣,砂玻璃,防火磚,長石,石英,膨潤土,白雲石,非金屬礦物。


zinc oxide eugenol cement - 丁香油酚氧化鋅粘固粉

sippy powder no 2; sodium bicarbonate and magnesium oxide powder - 二號西皮氏散

n. coprecipitation oxide method - 共沉澱氧化法

n. coprecipitation oxide method - 共沉澱氧化物方法

trimethylamine oxide demethylase - 氧化三甲胺脫甲基酶

nitrous oxide anesthesia - 氧化亞氮麻醉

n. oxide print - 氧化印刷

n. oxide print - 氧化物印

n. oxide dispersion strengthened alloy - 氧化物瀰散加強合金

n. oxide ore - 氧化物礦

n. oxide magnetic compact - 氧化物磁壓縮物

n. oxide core - 氧化物芯

n. oxide iron ore - 氧化物鐵芯

oxide cyclohexane - 氧化環已烯

n. oxide film treatment - 氧化膜處理

n. crazing of oxide film - 氧化膜開裂

oxide squalene cyclase; squalene oxidocyclase - 氧化角鯊烯環化酶

plutonium oxide cell - 氧化鈽電池

n. high titanium oxide type electrode - 氧化鈦型焊條

n. high iron oxide type electrode - 氧化鐵型焊條

n. iron oxide pigment - 氧化鐵顏料

aluminum oxide flocculation - 氧化鋁絮凝

zinc oxide eugenol cement - 氧化鋅丁香油粘固粉

zinc oxide poisoning - 氧化鋅中毒

zinc oxide sedative treatment - 氧化鋅安撫治療

zinc oxide ointment - 氧化鋅軟膏

squalene oxide cyclase - 氧化鯊烯環化酶

aluminum oxide adsorption - 氧批鋁吸附

n. cells of anodic oxide film - 氧極氧化膜晶胞

nitrogen oxide poisoning - 氮氧化物中毒

nitrogen oxide pollution - 氮氧化物污染

bismuth oxide chloride; bismuth oxychloride; bismuthyl chloride - 氯化氧鉍

antiminy oxide chloride; antimonyl chloride - 氯化氧銻

bismuth oxide chloride; bismuth oxychloride - 氯氧化鉍

white magnesium oxide plate - 白色氧化鎂板

n. burning of oxide film - 皮膜燃料

bismuth oxide nitrate; bismuthyl nitrate - 硝酸氧鉍

sodium bicarbonate and magnesium oxide powder - 碳酸氫鈉氧化鎂散

nitrous oxide gauge - 笑氣壓力表

n. powdery oxide film - 粉末氧化膜

n. powdery oxide film - 粉狀氧化膜

n. iron oxide red - 紅氧化鐵

sodium bicarbonate and magnesium oxide tablets; tablet sippy no1 - 西皮氏片1號

sippy tablet no1; sodium bicarbonate and magnesium oxide tablet - 西皮氏片一號

n. iron oxide ore - 鐵氧化物礦

n. iron powder-titanium oxide type covered arc welding electrode - 鐵粉—氧化鈦包層電弧焊接焊條

n. iron powder-titanium oxide type covered arc welding electrode - 鐵粉-氧化鈦型塗藥電弧焊條

n. iron powder-iron oxide type covered arc welding electrode - 鐵粉-氧化鐵型塗藥電弧焊條

n. iron powder-iron oxide type covered arc welding electrode - 鐵粉—氧化鐵型電弧焊接焊條

mangesium oxide and calcium carbnonate tablets - 鎂鈣片


n.成酸元素,酸性氧化物 - acid oxide

n.酸性氧化物 - acidic oxide

n.烯基氧化物 - alkylene oxide

n.兩性氧化物 - amphoteric oxide

n.氧雜環己烷 - amylene oxide

氧化鋁,鋁土 - aluminium oxide

n.氧化鋁 - aluminum oxide

n.氧批鋁吸附 - aluminum oxide adsorption

n.氧化鋁絮凝 - aluminum oxide flocculation

n.氧化胺 - amine oxide

n.氯化氧銻 - antiminy oxide chloride

n.亞砷酸,氧化砷 - arsenious oxide

n.三氧化二砷 - arsenous oxide

n.氧化鋇 - barium oxide

n.鹼性氧化物 - basic oxide

n.苯酸酐 - benzoyl oxide

n.下基二戊基氧膦 - benzyldiamylphosphine oxide

n.氧化鈹 - beryllium oxide

氧化鉍 - bismuth oxide

n.氯化氧鉍,氯氧化鉍 - bismuth oxide chloride

n.硝酸氧鉍 - bismuth oxide nitrate

n.氧化硼 - boron oxide

n.氧化丁烯 - butylene oxide

n.氧化二甲胂 - cacodyl oxide

n.氧化鎘 - cadmium oxide

n.石灰 - calcium oxide

n.二氧化鈰 - ceric oxide

n.氧化銫 - cesium oxide

n.氧化亞鉻,一氧化鉻 - chromous oxide

n.三氧化二鉻,氧化鉻 - chromic oxide

氧化鉻,三氧化二鉻 - chromium oxide

n.三氧化二鈷,氧化高鈷 - cobaltic oxide

n.復方氧化鋅 - compound paste of zinc oxide

n.氧化銅 - copper oxide

n.氧化銅 - cupric oxide

n.氧化低銅,氧化亞銅 - cuprous oxide

氧化環已烯 - cyclohexene oxide

n.十正辛基七丁撐八氧膦 - deca-n-octyl heptabutylene octaphosphine oxide

n.一氧化氮測定 - determination of nitric oxide

n.氧化氘,重水 - deuterium oxide

n.二甲基吡啶N-氧化物,二甲基吡啶n氧化物 - dimethyl pyridine oxide

氧化二氮,一氧化二氮 - dinitrogen oxide

n.二苯基氧,二苯醚 - diphenyl oxide

n.二苯光喃,聯苯抱氧 - diphenylene oxide

n.氧化鏑 - dysprosium oxide

n.氧化鉺 - erbium oxide

n.環氧乙烷,氧化乙烯 - ethylene oxide

環氧乙烷氣 - ethylene oxide gas

乙二醇消毒 - ethylene oxide sterilization

病院內乙二醇消毒 - ethylene oxide sterilization in hospital


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