sculled[skʌl]n. 短槳;小划艇槳的一種vt. 搖槳vi. 划船
1.Rat, who was in the stern of the boat, while Mole sculled, sat up suddenly and listened with a passionate intentness. 鼴鼠在划槳,河鼠倚在船尾。他忽然坐直了身子,神情激動,聚精會神地側耳傾聽。
2.Rat, who was in the stern of the boat, while Mole sculled, sat up suddenly and listened with a passionate intentness . 在船艄的老鼠,突然坐起來,側耳傾聽什麼,這時鼴鼠在划槳。
3.Not ours, Shemsen thought as he sculled backward, easing his way slowly out of the uncanny school. We are bait, not even meat. 不是「我們的」,捨姆森邊向後劃邊想,讓自己的路線慢慢離開那群不尋常的傢伙。我們是誘餌,連肉都不算。