Seouln. 漢城,首爾(韓國首都)
Seoul 漢城;首爾;韓國首爾;首爾;SEOUL SEL 漢城;SEOUL TOWER 首爾塔;漢城塔;南山公園;首爾塔;Neon Seoul 霓虹燈漢城圖片;Seoul records 漢城唱片公司;
1.Under the deal, Seoul has agreed with Washington to accept all cuts of beef from cattle of all ages. 根據協議,漢城已與華盛頓達成協議,接受所有被削減的不分年齡肉牛的所有切塊牛肉。
2.Beijings success, economically, will be as big a boost to Beijing as it was in the run up to the Games in Tokyo in 1964, and Seoul in 198
8. 北京申奧的成功,從經濟上來說,將是一個極大的促進,正如1964年的東京奧運會和1988年的漢城奧運會帶來的經濟騰飛。
3.Children play at Namdaemun Market, one of the oldest continually running food and clothing markets in South Korea and the largest retail market in Seoul. 圖片畫廊。孩子們玩在南大門市場,最古老的流動食物和衣服市場之一在韓國首爾是最大的零售市場。