n. strep ,streptococci
streptococcus[,streptəu'kɔkəs]n. 鏈球菌;鏈球菌屬
streptococcus 鏈球菌;鏈球菌屬;鏈球菌;鏈球菌屬;Streptococcus oralis 口腔鏈球菌;釋義:口腔鏈球菌;Streptococcus constellatus 星座鏈球菌;星群鏈球菌;釋義:星座鏈球菌;Streptococcus canis 狗鏈球菌;釋義:犬鏈球菌;犬鏈球菌;Streptococcus gordonii 格氏鏈球菌;鏈球菌;
1.Streptococcus suis type 2 (SS2) is a pathogen of zoonotic infectious diseases. 豬鏈球菌2型(SS2)是一種人獸共患的傳染病病原菌。
2.For example, in most north European countries, penicillin can deal with a common nasty, streptococcus pneumonia in all but 5% of cases. 比方說,在大多數北歐國家,青黴素可以治療普通的鏈球菌肺炎,而只有5%的無效情況發生。
3.Authorities say victims were suffering from Streptococcus suis bacteria, or swine flu, an infection contracted from slaughtering, handling or eating infected pigs. 當局指出,受害者因豬鏈球菌,或豬只流行性感冒而罹病,他們因屠宰、處理或吃染病的豬而遭感染。
fehleisens streptococcus; streptococcus erysipelatis - 丹毒鏈球菌
erysipelas streptococcus antitoxin - 丹毒鏈球菌抗毒素
streptococcus lactis - 乳鏈球菌
streptococcus pyogenes - 化膿性鏈球菌
streptococcus pyogenes malignus - 惡性釀膿鏈球菌
micrococcus foetidus; streptococcus foetidus - 惡臭細球菌
hemolytic streptococcus; streptococcus hemolyticus - 溶血鏈球菌
scarlet fever streptococcus antitoxin - 猩紅熱鏈球菌抗毒素
scarlet fever streptococcus toxin - 猩紅熱鏈球菌毒素
streptococcus albus - 白色鏈球菌
streptococcus faecalis - 糞鏈球菌
streptococcus viridans - 綠色鏈球菌
streptococcus enteritidis - 腸炎鏈球菌
streptococcus pneumoniae - 肺炎鏈球菌
streptococcus viridans - 草綠色鏈球菌
streptococcus pyogenes - 釀膿鏈球菌
streptococcus agglutination test - 鏈球菌凝集試驗
streptococcus phage - 鏈球菌噬菌體
streptococcus bronchitis - 鏈球菌性支氣管炎
streptococcus enteritis - 鏈球菌性腸炎
streptococcus impetigo - 鏈球菌性膿皰病
streptococcus cellulitis - 鏈球菌性蜂窩織炎
streptococcus antitoxin - 鏈球菌抗毒素
streptococcus pneumaonia - 鏈球菌肺炎
streptococcus rheumaticus - 風濕病鏈球菌
A型鏈球菌診斷法 - A-type streptococcus rapid diagnosis method
厭氧鏈球菌 - anaerobic streptococcus
n.丙型鏈球菌,不溶血性鏈球菌 - anhemolytic streptococcus
n.乙型溶性鏈球菌 - beta hemolytic streptococcus
n.丹毒鏈球菌抗毒素 - erysipelas streptococcus antitoxin
n.丹毒鏈球菌 - fehleisens streptococcus
n.凍鏈球菌 - freezed streptococcus
n.溶血鏈球菌,溶血性鏈球菌 - hemolytic streptococcus
n.微嗜氧性鏈球菌 - microaerophilic streptococcus
n.猩紅熱鏈球菌抗毒素 - scarlet fever streptococcus antitoxin
n.猩紅熱鏈球菌毒素 - scarlet fever streptococcus toxin