swimmable['swiməbl]adj. 適合游泳的,可以游泳的
1.All these efforts have resulted in a more swimmable Charles River. 而這些種種努力已成功提升查理斯河的親水性。
2.The goal of "fishable and swimmable" water for Jamaica Bay and its tributaries should not be changed. 牙買加灣的水域及其支流「可漁可游」的目標不應該改變。
3.The goals of the 1972 Clean Water Act are to eliminate the discharge of pollutants into waterways and make all U. S. waterways swimmable and fishable. 李薇特表示,1972年淨水法案的目標是全面禁止污染物排放至水道,且讓全美水道都能夠游泳及釣魚。