





breakfast['brekfəst]n. 早餐;早飯vi. 吃早餐vt. 為…供應早餐


breakfast 早餐;早餐效果;早飯;晚餐;have breakfast 吃早餐;吃早飯;吃早餐/午飯/晚飯/一頓飯;breakfast cup 早餐杯;breakfast set 早餐具;after breakfast 早飯後;早餐後;午飯;


1.Do you want two eggs for breakfast? 你想要兩個雞蛋當作早餐嗎?

2.In Canada, we eat cereal for breakfast. 在加拿大,我們早飯吃麥片粥。

3.How much for a room including breakfast? 一間房間包括早餐要多少錢?


After a good night's sleep, I'll enjoy breakfast even more. - 好好睡一覺, 明早吃早餐會更香。

Oh, I took the liberty of ordering some breakfast for you. - 噢 ,我冒昧給你們訂了早餐。

I cooked breakfast for the family. - 我為一家人做早餐。

I ate eggs and drank mild for breakfast today. - 我今天早餐吃了雞蛋和喝了牛奶。

I had my breakfast on the way. - 我在路上吃的早飯。

What kind of breakfast did you have? - 你吃了什麼樣的早餐?

Have you had breakfast already? - 你已經吃了早餐嗎?

Yes,I had breakfast two hours ago. - 是,我2小時以前吃了早餐。

What will you have for breakfast tomorrow morning? - 你明天早上早餐將有什麼?

Have you had breakfast yet? - 你吃過早餐了嗎?

Ah, goody! Breakfast is ready. - 噢,太好了!可以開飯了!

I ate apples for breakfast yesterday. - 我昨天早飯吃的是蘋果。

I ate bread for breakfast yesterday. - 我昨天早飯吃的是麵包。

I ate eggs for breakfast yesterday. - 我昨天早飯吃的是雞蛋。

I ate ham for breakfast yesterday. - 我昨天早飯吃的是火腿。

I ate jam for breakfast yesterday. - 我昨天早飯吃的是果醬。

I ate oatmeal for breakfast yesterday. - 我昨天早飯吃的是麥片。

I ate oranges for breakfast yesterday. - 我昨天早飯吃的是桔子。

I ate peaches for breakfast yesterday. - 我昨天早飯吃的是桃子。

I often have breakfast in the morning. - 我常常在早上吃早餐。

He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight. - 早餐想吃野兔肉,頭晚就須去捕捉。

I sat down at the breakfast table in an exhausted condition. - 然後坐到桌邊吃早飯,一副筋疲力盡的樣子。

The Frenchman's breakfast coffee competes with the Englishman's bacon and eggs. - 法國人的早點咖啡和英國人的鹹肉煎蛋競相比美。

Have you had any breakfast yet? - 你吃過早餐了嗎?

I have breakfast at 7:00 and then I go to school. - 我七點吃早餐,然後去上學。

Can I have some breakfast first - 我能先吃點早餐嗎?

Yes, for breakfast he had some bread, two eggs, some fruit and a glass of milk. - 吃了,他早餐吃了麵包、兩隻雞蛋、一些水果,還喝了一杯牛奶。


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