climatologistn. 氣候學家
climatologist 氣候學家;Climatologist at centre of leaked email row dismisses conspiracy claims 捲入電子郵件洩漏紛爭的氣象學者駁斥了「全球變暖」為陰謀論的說法;
1.A climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world. 氣候學 家非常關心世界上能量貯藏器的時間常數。
2.It remains a final step:Establish the "Earth dynamic method" for short-range climate prediction is facing to the brave climatologist. 還剩最後一級台階--建立短期氣候預測的「地球動力學方法」,有待不畏艱險、不計名利的後來者去攀登。
3.As a climatologist, questioning how temperature change will influence the ice melting and further sea level rise that will ultimately lead to an increase in both. 作為一個氣候學家,探究溫度變化將如何影響冰雪融化和海平面進一步上升,因為溫度變化將最終導致二者的增加。