





n. member ,phallus


penis['pi:nis]n. 陽物;陰莖


penis 陰莖;陰莖,陽物;陽莖;陽物;penis bone 陰莖骨;penis cervi 梅鹿鞭;釋義:鹿腎,鹿鞭;penis canitis 廣狗鞭;penis augmentation 陰莖加大;


1.My penis has 15 centimeters only, normal? 我的陰莖只有15厘米,正常嗎?

2.The penis not development, what reason be? 陰莖不發育,是什麼原因啊?

3.Objective To present a new simple approach to the correction of buried penis. 目的介紹矯正隱匿陰莖的一種簡便而又有效的新術式。


ursine seals penis and testes - 海狗腎

penis and testes - 莖垂

penis clamps - 陰莖夾

penis deformity - 陰莖畸形

penis tuberculid - 陰莖結核疹

superficial dorsal veins of penis; venae dorsales penis superficiales - 陰莖背淺靜脈

deep dorsal vein of penis; vena dorsalis penis profunda - 陰莖背深靜脈

skin avulsion of penis and scrotum - 陰莖陰囊皮膚撕脫

elephantiasis of penis and scrotum - 陰莖陰囊象皮病

glans penis clamp - 龜頭夾


n.陰縱 - abnormally prolonged erection of penis

n.陰縱 - abnormally prolonged erection penis

n.陰縱 - abnormally prolonged eredtion of penis

n.陰頭癰 - abscess of glans penis

n.陰莖膿腫 - abscess of penis

n.陰莖缺如 - absence of penis

n.陰莖放線菌病 - actinomycosis of penis

n.陰莖切斷傷 - amputation trauma of penis

n.陰莖阿米巴病 - amebiasis of penis

n.陰莖背動脈 - arteria dorsalis penis

n.陰莖深動脈 - arteria profunda penis

陰莖球動脈 - artery of bulb of penis

n.陰莖皮膚撕脫傷 - avulsion of penis

n.陰莖基底細胞癌 - basal cell carcinoma of penis

n.陰莖體 - body of penis

n.陰莖博溫病 - bowens disease of penis

n.陰莖球 - bulb of penis

n.陰莖球 - bulbus penis

n.翻花下疳,陰莖癌 - carcinoma of penis

n.腎虛月經過少,腎巖 - carcinoma of the penis

n.陰莖海綿體腔 - cavernae corporum caver nosorum penis

n.陰莖海綿體 - cavernous body of penis

陰莖海綿體神經 - cavernous nerves of penis

n.海綿體靜脈 - cavernous veins of penis

n.陰莖海綿體腔 - caverns of corpora cavernosa penis

n.陰莖蜂窩織炎 - cellulitis of penis

n.陰莖下疳 - chancre of penis

n.陰莖軟下疳 - chancroid of penis

n.陰莖下彎 - clubbed penis

龜頭頸 - collum glandis penis

n.陰莖尖銳濕疣 - condyloma acuminatum of penis

n.隱匿陰莖 - concealed penis

n.先天性陰莖缺失 - congenital absence of penis

n.先天性陰莖下彎 - congenital clubbed penis

n.陰莖縮窄 - constriction of penis

n.陰莖頭冠 - corona of glans penis

n.陰莖海綿體 - corpus cavernosum penis

n.陰莖挫傷 - contusion of penis

n.陰莖體 - corpus penis

尿道海綿體 - corpus spongiosum penis

n.陰莖下彎矯正術 - correction of clubbed penis

n.陰莖腳 - crus of penis

n.陰莖腳 - crus penis

n.陰莖皮角 - cutaneous horn of penis

n.陰莖缺損 - defect of penis

n.陰莖深動脈 - deep artery of penis

陰莖背部深靜脈 - deep dorsal vein of penis

n.陰莖背深靜脈 - deep dorsal vein of penis

陰莖深靜脈 - deep vein of penis

n.陰莖深靜脈 - deep veins of penis

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