n. atomic number 44 ,ruthenium
rued[ru:]vi. 後悔;悲傷vt. 後悔;懊悔n. 芸香;[古]後悔
rued assets 應收未收款項;流動資產;rued expenses 應計費用;rued dividends 應計股利;rued depreciation 應攤未攤折舊;rued ie 應計收益;
1.You should kill me. Kill me. I once had my best love in front of me, but I didn't treasure her. I have rued this. 曾經有一份真誠的愛情放在我的面前,我沒有珍惜,等我失去的時候,我才後悔莫及,人世間最痛苦的事莫過與此。
2.He says although the global financial crisis started in the United States , it is rued and global rooted in balances global imbalances. 他指出,雖然全球金融危機開始於美國,它的根源其實是全球經濟的不平衡。
3.The nursing educational development of the United State has already set up a complete system which the low dies rued the high dies, and the application type developed the research. 美國的護理教育的發展已構建起一個由低級到高級;從應用型培養到研究型培養的完整體系。