tap-tap['tæp'tæp]n. 敲門的聲音;連續的輕擊
tap-tap 敲門聲;screw tap-screw tap 螺絲攻;tap-to-tap cycle 冶煉週期;tap-to-tap time 出鋼到出鋼時間;Tap-to-tap water 自來水;
1.When they got to about the middle of the graveyard they were startled and stopped moving. There was this terrifying noise, "TAP-TAP-TAP" coming from the shadows. 走到墳地的中間,從陰暗處傳出來恐怖的「嗒、嗒、嗒」聲音,嚇得他們再也走不動了。
2.The wind roared with its long, monotonous voice, and the branches of a tree beating against a window in the passage gave a ghastly tap-tap , as if unseen spirits were near. 狂風發出長而單調的嘯聲,一棵樹的枝幹打在過道的一扇窗戶上,發出可怖的「啪嗒」聲,好像無形的精靈就在附近。
3.Tappers are generally quieter than Crackers. Butthat doesn't make them any less annoying when they're tap-tap-tapping on their personal communication devices during meetings. 輕聲敲鍵盤的人要比吱吱作響者安靜,但是這也不會讓他們更討人喜歡,因為他們在開會期間不停地敲自己的通訊設備,不停地發出噪音。