





About[ə'baut]prep. 關於;大約adj. 在附近的;四處走動的;在起作用的adv. 大約;周圍;到處n. 大致;粗枝大葉;不拘小節的人


About 關於;大約;掉搶;大約關於;come about 發生;產生;造成;(風等)改變方向;see about 查看;照料;留意;負責處理(某事);throw about 到處扔;轉向航行;亂丟(東西),亂花(錢);亂丟;beef about 抱怨;


1.The young girl had a gold chain about her neck. 那位少女脖子上戴著一串金項鏈。

2.When you come to think about it. 當我們開始考慮垃圾問題時。

3.How about going to the zoo then? 讓我們下個週末去動物園吧!


In about 30 minutes. - 大約半小時後。

I'm calling to ask you some questions about Susan. - 我打電話是想問一些關於蘇珊的事。

I'll think about it and call you back soon, OK? - 我考慮一下,回頭我盡快打電話給你,好嗎?

Yes, but Dr. Lee's schedule is full for today. How about 9:00 tonight? - 可以,不過李醫生今天的時間排滿了。今晚9點好嗎?

Oh, let's see. It'll be about 3:30 before we have anybody free. - 哦,讓我想想。大概要到3:30我們才有空。

OK, sir, just sit tight, and we'll have an ambulance there in about ten minutes. - 好的,先生。你就在那邊等著,救護車10分鐘之內到。

You probably heard about it. We have private teachers in our holiday. - 或許你已經聽說過。我們交大的學生在假期間做家教。

You might want to know more about it. - 我想你肯定想多瞭解點吧。

I would like to tell you more about it. - 我很樂意向你說得更詳細一點。

I am sure you would like to know more about it. - 我相信您一定想知道詳情。

Don't worry about it. It's a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship. - 沒關係的。這是向你表示我們在生意及友誼上的一點心意。

No. That's about all. - 沒有。大概就是這些。

No. I really don't know how to go about it. - 沒有。我真不知道如何填。

I would like to know about your honeymoon travel packages. - 我想要知道你們辦的有關蜜月旅行計劃。

Santa Clara? OK. That's about 20 miles away. - 聖塔克萊拉?好的,大約是20英里遠。

It is too expensive. How about half the price? - 太貴了,半價怎麼樣?

Only a five percent discount? How about twenty percent? - 只打九五折?八折怎麼樣?

I'll take it. But the price is a bit high. How about free wrapping? - 我買了。但價格有點高,免費包裝怎麼樣?

Would you tell me something about your family? - 請告訴我一些你的家庭情況,好嗎?

What do you think about your qualifications? - 你認為你能勝任工作嗎?

I know about how business is done here. - 我認為這方面比較在行。

I type about 40 words per minute. - 一分鐘我能打40個字。

What about a cup of tea? - 喝杯茶如何?

How about going out for a bit to eat? - 去吃點東西怎麼樣?

Could you tell me a little about your background? - 能否請您簡短地談一下貴公司的背景?

Sure. We've been in business about five years now. - 當然。我們創業至今有五年的歷史。

Could you give me more details about your company? - 能否給我些貴公司更詳細的資料?

How do you think about it? - 你認為怎麼樣?

Very splendid. How about patent rights? - 很不錯。它的專利權怎麼樣呢?

How about the price list? Does it have a guarantee to go with it? - 價格表呢?有沒有附保證書呢?

How about $ 140 per case? - 每箱140美元怎麼樣?

How about meeting each other half-way with the price gap? - 我們折衷一下如何?

Do you have any questions in mind about them, Mr. Martin? - 你還有什麼問題嗎,馬丁先生?

But there are one point which I'd like to bring up about the packing. - 不過還有一點我得提出來,關於包裝問題。

How about the pricing? - 價格怎麼樣?

All right. We'll make close study about it and give you reply as soon as possible. - 很好。對這個問題我們將仔細研究一下,盡快給你們答覆。

What do you think about the shipment? - 你對貨運是怎麼考慮的?

Anything particular you want to know? Let me hear about it. - 有什麼特別問題你需要瞭解嗎?說來讓我聽聽。

Please tell me about it right way. - 請立即告訴我是什麼。

I'd like to talk with you about something troublesome. - 我想同你談點麻煩事。

Yes. I have one question about clause 8. - 看完了。關於第八條款,我有個疑問。

There is something I want to ask you about clause 8. - 我想問你有關第八條款的事。

Then, how about 50% by L C and the rest by D P? - 那麼,50%用信用證支付,其餘用付款交單支付,怎麼樣?

I'm about to go to the Post Office. - 我正要去郵局。

It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Green. I've heard so much about you. - 格林太太,我也很高興見到您。早就聽說過您。

Now, tell us something about your trip. - 好,跟我們說說你的旅行。

Not too bad. How about yourself? - 還可以。你怎麼樣?

Tell me all about your interests, your hobbies ... - 告訴我你所有的興趣和愛好。

We have both been excited about seeing you - 我們兩個很高興見到

And it makes me feel good that you care about us. - 你關心我們大家這使我太高興了。


malignant tumor about ampulla of vater - 法特氏壺腹周圍惡性腫瘤

excess damp brings about chronic diarrhea - 濕性濡瀉

excessive heat bringing about swelling - 熱勝則腫

great saphenous venotomy about ankle - 踝部大隱靜脈剖開術

an excess of yang brings about heat syndrome - 陽盛則熱

insufficiency of yang brings about cold syndrome - 陽虛則外寒


n.陽盛則熱 - an excess of yang brings about heat syndrome

n.濕性濡瀉 - excess damp brings about chronic diarrhea

n.熱勝則腫 - excessive heat bringing about swelling

n.踝部大隱靜脈剖開術 - great saphenous venotomy about ankle

n.陽虛則外寒 - insufficiency of yang brings about cold syndrome

n.法特氏壺腹周圍惡性腫瘤 - malignant tumor about ampulla of vater

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