hexapod['heksəpɔd]n. 昆蟲;六腳的節足動物adj. 六腳的
hexapod 昆蟲;六足動物;六腳的;六足蟲;Parallel simulation of the dynamics of hexapod system 機械腳動態模擬之平行化研究,;The modified fuzzy identification in the fuzzy controller design and its application to a hexapod system 模糊鑑別法於模糊控制器之設計與應用,;
1.A rudder servo controller for hexapod robot platform is designed. 設計了應用於小型六足仿生機器人的舵機控制器。
2.The paper analyzes the hexapod bionic robot gaits in walking along typical straight lines and swerving at a specific point. 文章分析了六足仿生機器人典型直線行走步態和定點轉彎步態,給出了不同步態下的機器人落足點的位置矢量表達式。
3.As the important part of the vision system of the biologically inspired hexapod robot, the image acquisition card need to connect with other devices, so the USB driving is the key problem. 由於該採集卡是仿生六足機器人視覺子系統的重要組成部分,在視覺子系統中應與其他器件進行合理掛接,因而必須妥善解USB驅動問題;