hurtsn. 痛癢
Hurts 藍調音樂;創傷;Truth Hurts 實話傷人;楚絲荷茲;T Hurts 另類搖滾;It hurts 很難過;如此傷痛;Love Hurts 愛太傷人;情傷;愛的刺痛;愛受傷;
1.She fell down the stairs and hurt her leg. 她從樓上跌了下來,摔傷了腿。
2.Which foot hurts?Is it the left one? 哪個腳受傷了?是不是左邊的腳?
3.It hurts the animals that live in the rainforests. 這樣做傷害了生活在雨林中的動物。
Oh, I'm sorry it hurts so much, - 啊, 我很抱歉 ,你那麼痛。
It hurts so much when a baby gets his first teeth. - 小孩子長第一顆牙齒時好痛喲。
My tooth hurts like hell. - 我牙疼得要命。
My right arm hurts. It hurts right here. - 我的右手臂受傷。 它恰好受傷在這裡。
My knee hurts, my foot hurts and my head too. - 我的膝蓋傷了,腳傷了,還有頭。
My shoe has been pressing against my foot, so it hurts a bit. - 我的鞋一直擠著腳,所以腳有點疼。