n. apathy ,indifference ,spiritlessness
numbnessn. 麻木;麻痺
numbness 麻木;無感覺;麻木, 麻痺;肌肉不仁 麻木;numbness fingers 釋義:手指麻木,十指麻木;麻木手指;mouth numbness 釋義:口[腔]麻木;numbness mouth 釋義:口不仁,口麻;pedal numbness 釋義:足痺;
1.Paresthesias, numbness – may mask the degree of damage. 感覺異常,麻木-可掩蓋損傷程度。
2.That only a few in spite of numbness, only a we can only distort the Health inner pain cry. 那僅有的幾次身不由己的麻木,只一盞茶工夫,便讓內心的純善扭曲生疼得想哭。
3.Although being numb and not feeling may be preferable to the pain that most humans are in, one cannot confuse numbness with peace as they really have nothing in common with one another. 雖然處於麻木及沒有感覺中可能比大多數人類所處的痛苦更好,但你不能把麻木與和平混淆,因為它們彼此之間確實沒有任何共同的地方。
numbness of lower lip - 下唇麻木
numbness of mouth - 口不仁
numbness of limbs; numbness of the extremities; pain in the legs and numbness of the extremities - 四肢麻木
numbness of fingers; numgness of fingers - 手指麻木
numbness of the skin - 皮痺
pain in the legs and numbness of the extremities - 腰腿疼痛
general numbness and hypoesthesia - 舌不仁
numbness of the tongue - 舌自痺
numbness of the tongue - 舌麻
general numbness and hypoes thesia - 身不仁
numbness and swelling - 麻木腫脹
n.鈍麻痛 - dull pain and numbness
n.遍身麻木 - feneral numbness
n.遍身麻木 - general numbness
n.身不仁 - general numbness and hypoes thesia
n.舌不仁 - general numbness and hypoesthesia
n.腰腿疼痛,四肢麻木 - pain in the legs and numbness of the extremities
n.攣痺 - spasm with numbness
n.舌尖麻木 - tongue tip numbness