sealift['si:lift]adj. 海上補給的n. 海上補給
sealift 海上補給;海上接運;海上運輸的;海運;strategic sealift 戰略海運;active sealift forces 現役海運部隊;MSC Military Sealift Command 軍事海運指揮部;Sealift Readiness Program 海運戰備計劃;
1.Expeditionary war needs airlift, sealift, jets, helicopters, drones and other "enablers" like field hospitals. 遠征戰事需要空運、海運、噴氣戰鬥機、直升機、無人機和其他諸如野戰醫院之類的「激活器」。
2.Like all of Military Sealift Command's ships, the USNS Bridge is an auxiliary ship crewed by civilian mariners but under Navy command. 和軍事補給司令部的其他艦艇一樣,「橋」號是一艘由非軍方海員駕駛的輔助船隻,但受海軍的指揮。
3.The USNS Victorious is an unarmed ocean surveillance ship operated by a civilian mariner crew working for the Military Sealift Command. 美國海軍「獲勝號」是一艘由民間人士駕駛的為美國海軍補給司令部工作的非武裝的海洋監測船。