throw-off['θrəuɔf, -ɔ:f]n. 開始;開始出獵;開始賽跑
throw-off 開始出獵;斷距;開球:;開球;throw-off carriage 卸料車;Cylinder throw-off 滾筒離壓;throw-off post 甩柱;throw-off points 脫軌道岔;
1.Before the game, the referee tosses a coin. The team captain who wins the toss has the right to throw -off. The other team captain has the right to choose ends. 比賽開始前,裁判員擲硬幣,由雙方隊長猜先,贏者有權選開球,負者有權選邊。
2.Before the game, the referee tosses a coin. The team captain who wins the toss has the right to throw-off. And the other term captain has the right to choose ends. 開賽前,裁判員擲幣讓兩隊隊長猜先,贏者有權選擇首先發球,另一隊有權選擇場地。
3.Therefore resolutely minimize hand throw-off screen, with a hair dryer blowing screen or wet screen placed in the oven, towel arrangements will be jerky bad practice. 因此給果斷制止用手甩絲網、用呼