





v. brave ,brave out ,enduren. atmospheric condition ,weather conditiona. upwind


weather['weðə]n. 天氣;氣象;氣候;處境vt. 經受住;使風化;侵蝕;使受風吹雨打vi. 風化;受侵蝕;經受風雨adj. 露天的;迎風的


weather 天氣;天氣,氣候;氣象;氣候;Weather modification 人工影響天氣;氣象改造 氣象改變;天氣改造;氣象改善;Weather monitoring 天氣監測;Stormy Weather 暴風雨天氣;暴風雨;風暴天氣;暴雨天;freakish weather 反常天氣;反常的天氣;


1.They are going to weather the corn in the thrashing field. 他們要把玉米在打穀場晾曬乾。

2.Yes. I hope the weather is good. 是的,我希望會是個好天氣了。

3.Why Mary likes the weather in April? 為什麼瑪麗喜歡四月的天氣?


I've heard the weather here is ideal, just like spring most of year. - 我聽說這兒的天氣很理想,四季如春。

What was the weather like? - 那邊天氣怎麼樣?

What's the weather like in Japan this time of year? - 現在日本的天氣怎麼樣?

Nice weather today, isn't it? - 天氣不錯,是吧?

The weather really sucks today. - 今天的天氣真差。

I wish the weather was like this all year. - 我希望整年都是這樣的天氣。

Well, what's the weather going to be like? - 那麼, 明天的天氣怎樣?

I'll go skiing of the weather permits. - 天氣允許的話,我會去滑雪。

The weather couldn't have been better. - 天氣再好不過了。

The village was filled with people--the weather was so nice. - 鎮上擠滿了人--因為天氣好的緣故。

Is the weather always like this? - 這兒的天氣總是這樣嗎?

Horrible weather we are having. - 這麼糟的天氣讓我們趕上了。

Lovely weather for ducks. - 這種天氣至少鴨子喜歡。

What'll the weather be like tomorrow? - 明天的天氣怎麼樣?

What was the weather like yesterday? - 昨天的天氣怎麼樣?

Are you used to the weather here? - 你已經習慣這裡的天氣了嗎?

The weather during our holiday was perfect. - 我們度假時天氣好極了。

We are postponing our trip until the weather grows warmer. - 我們擬把旅行推遲到天氣暖和的一些時候。

A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day. - 晚上天邊紅預示著明早天氣好。

The weather is promising. - 天氣可能好轉。

You can't count on the weather being fine. - 你不能指望天晴。

It's a shame the weather is so bad. - 真遺憾,天氣如此糟糕。

She had a headache, because of the weather here. - 由於這裡的天氣原因她感到有些頭疼。

The weather has been hot so far this summer. - 到目前為止,今夏天氣一直很炎熱。

Ann prefers cold weather to hot weather. - 安喜歡寒冷天氣,不太喜歡炎熱天氣。

What's the weather like today? - 今天天氣如何?

She's been a bit under the weather recently. - 她近來身體不太好。

Have you heard the weather forecast? - 你聽天氣預報了嗎?

We'll have fine weather for the next few days? - 以後幾天天氣晴朗。

I hope the weather there is cold enough. - 我希望那兒天氣夠冷。

How is the weather today? - 今天天氣怎麼樣?

The weather is nice today. - 今天天氣很好。

What was the weather like yesterday? - 像昨天一樣的天氣?

What will the weather be like tomorrow? - 天氣將象明天一樣嗎?

I like hot weather best. - 我最喜歡熱天氣。

I don't like it when the weather gets real cold. - 當天氣變得很寒冷時,我不喜歡。

The weather is warm and sunny here.Do you get much rain? - 這裡的天氣是溫暖並且陽光充足的.你那有許多雨嗎?

Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here. - 噢,想不到這裡的天氣大不一樣。

I really don't think this weather will last. - 我確實認為這樣的好天長不了。

What will the weather be like tomorrow? - 明天將是什麼樣的天氣呀?

According to the weather report, tomorrow Lost Angeles will be partly cloudy with occasional rain shower. - 根據天氣預報,洛杉磯明天將是陰天偶雨居多。

When the weather is hot, we turn on the air conditioner. - 天熱的時候就開空調。

How is the weather today? - 今天天氣如何?

How is the weather today? - 今天天氣如何?氣溫多少度?

What is the weather like in this country? - 這個國家的氣候如何?

What will the weather be like tomorrow? - 明天天氣怎麼樣?

What's the weather like? - 天氣怎麼樣?

What's the weather like today? - 今天天氣怎麼樣?

What's the weather like in spring? - 春季的天氣怎麼樣?

It was spring,but the weather was awful.It rained all the time. - 是春天,但天氣太糟了。一直在下雨。


abnormal weather in four seasons - 四時不正之氣

weather permitting - 天氣許可時

n. weather resistance - 抗風蝕性

n. weather resistance,weatherproof,antiweatherability - 抗大氣腐蝕性

n. weather proof steel - 抗風化鋼

meteoro-logical satellite; weather satellite - 氣象衛星


n.四時不正之氣 - abnormal weather in four seasons

n.熱產,暑產 - delivery in hot weather


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