caddis['kædis]n. 石蠶;精紡毛紗編帶
caddis 卡迪斯斜紋呢;石蠶;毛翅蠅;石蠶魚餌;caddis flies 石蠶蛾,毛翅目昆蟲;caddis fly 釋義:石蠶蛾;毛翅蠅,切翅泥苞蟲,石蛾;毛翅蠅;切翅泥苞蟲;caddis worm 石蠶;CADDIS Cranfield Airborne Digital Data Instrumentation System 克倫菲爾德機載數字數據測量系統;
1.Hot babes can be hired to be your caddis. How many do you need for 18-hole? 你可雇靚女來幫你扛球桿,18個洞你需幾個靚女呢?
2.Instead, it secretes a glue and uses this to stick bits of sand together to form its casing, in the way that a freshwater caddis fly larva does. 相反,它分泌膠質後,使用它與沙子一起構建自己的殼,與淡水石蛾幼蟲的構建方式相同。
3.Once the best advice is collected, the course manager would publish the information in notebooks (or make it available on PDAs), and distribute them to all the caddis. 當得到最好的建議之後,球場經理應當把相關信息印成手冊(或者能通過PDA看到),並且散發給所有的球童。
caddis; caddis fly - 毛翅蠅