Amanda Foreman 阿曼達·弗爾曼;福爾曼;foreman 工頭;領班,組長;領班;作業班長;general foreman 總工長;區長;recovery foreman 回收工段工長;George Foreman 喬治·福爾曼;拳王炙烤爐;喬治·佛曼;喬治工頭;
1.He is a foreman, Foreman is the dock authority representative, he is in charge of loading, discharging, lashing , and so on . 他是指導員,指導員是碼頭當局的代表,他負責裝,卸,和捆紮等。
2.He is a foreman, Foreman is a representative for the dock authority, he is in charge of loading, discharging, lashing , and so on . 他是指導員,指導員是碼頭當局的代表,他負責裝,卸,和捆紮等。
3.Most of the foreman abused the workmen in the foulest languages. 大多數的工頭用極其污穢的語言辱罵工人。
4.The venetian blinds hung askew and admitted a triangle of white light, the shadow of the foreman's hand moving into it. 活動百葉窗歪歪斜斜地掛著,一角白光從中漏進來,工頭喬·安奎爾的手移到了白光中。
5.The foreman urged his workmen on. 工頭催促工人努力工作。