lightshown. 光顯示
lightshow 光顯示;
1.Drift in silence in the dark on the subterranean lake and gaze up at the spectacular living lightshow. 在黑暗的地下湖中靜靜地漂流,你會為生動而五光十色的景觀所吸引。
2.Every night, tourists are entertained by a lightshow on the Li river directed by Zhang Yimou, one of China's most renowned film directors. 每天晚上,當地會以中國知名電影導演張藝謀拍攝漓江的劇段來款待遊客。
3.After his lightshow ends, more sound and light emerges from the town's bars, which pump out either treacly Chinese pop or thumping Western-style music performed by earnest cover-bands. 在燈光秀結束後,更多聲音和光線從城市的酒吧湧出來,大多都是狂熱的翻唱樂隊所表演的柔和綿綿的中國流行樂或叮咚作響的西式音樂。