tomskn. 托木斯克(西西伯利亞東南部城市)
TOMSK 托木斯克;克州;姆斯克;Tomsk oblast 托木斯克州;Tom Tomsk 杜馬斯克;Tomsk State Air Enterprise 托木斯克州航空企業;Tomsk Polytechnic University 托木斯克理工大學;
1."Looking back, I now understand that meeting the children in Tomsk was no accident, " says Jones. "It was destiny, theirs and mine. 「回顧這一切,我現在瞭解和湯姆斯卡雅這些兒童碰面並非偶然,」瓊斯說。
2.Investigators also say they found an increase in resistance to any antibiotic in Tomsk Oblast in Russia and Botswana, while MDR TB decreased in Hong Kong and Cuba. 研究人員還提到他們發現博茨瓦納和俄羅斯的托木斯克州抗所有藥物的肺結核病例增多的情況,但在香港和古巴有所減少。
3.Jones led four other Anchorage-area Rotarians during the most recent trip to Tomsk. The group volunteered at an orphanage and delivered five laptop computers for the children. 最近的一次湯姆斯卡雅之旅,瓊斯帶領四個其他安克拉治一帶的扶輪人同行。他們在一個孤兒院當義工並送五台筆記型電腦給這些兒童。