turnsn. 轉彎;匝數;圈數(turn的複數形式);手動車床v. 轉彎;轉動;倒置(turn的三單形式)
turns 匝數;轉彎;轉向;圈數;by turns 輪換地;輪流;輪流地;輪流,交替;turns ratio 變比 匝比;圈數比;變比、匝比;變比;effective turns 有效匝數;thread turns 螺紋圈數;
1.He turned the handle of the door and went into the classroom. 他旋動門把手,走進教室。
2.The tide turns to [against] me. 潮流的改變,形勢的轉變。
3.My phone just sometimes turns off by itself. 我的電話有時候就是會自動關機。
And it turns out he's a classmate of Philip's. - 有意思的是 他和Philip是同班同學。
I hope it turns out all right. - 我希望結果很好。
She turns me off. - 她使我厭煩。
The music turns me off. - 這種音樂讓我膩煩。
A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. - 一本好書,莫逆之交。
The tongue ever turns to the aching teeth. - 舌頭總是碰著疼牙。
and at the most critical juncture we took turns in watching that point. - 在最緊急的時刻,我們輪流監視那段河流的險情。
Here are some more tips on becoming a good listener. First, take turns to listen. Don't all try to speak at the same time when you are in a group. Listen without interrupting, and stop others from interrupting. Then it will be someone else's turn. That wa - 我們還可以對怎樣作個好的傾聽者提出幾點意見。第一,輪流地聽。當你們在一起時,不要同時爭著說話。聽的時候不要打斷人家的講話,還要阻止別人插話。然後再輪到另外的人講話。這樣,每個人都有說話的機會,也有人家恭聽你說話的機會。
Most of us are able to solve most of our problems. Often, all we need is a good friend who will listen to us while we talk things through. If friends can take turns to listen to each other well, life will be better! - 我們大多數人都有能力解決自己的大部分問題。我們常常需要的是一位能傾聽我們「暢敘衷腸」的好朋友。如果朋友們能夠輪流相互傾聽對方的談話,那麼生活就會變得更美好!