a. offensive
violative['vaiəleitiv]adj. 違犯的;違背的;違反的
violative 違背;violative operation 妨害性作業;
1.By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. 同意這些規章,意味著您保證不會張貼任何淫穢,粗俗,裸露,仇恨,恐嚇,或其他任何違反法律的內容。
2.A: The regulation does not state that violative WPM must be returned to any particular country. It simply states that the violative WPM may not come into the U. S. and may be re-exported. 答:本規定並未說明違規的木質包裝材料必須被返還回某一特定國家,只是簡要規定違規木質包裝材料不得進入美國,且可以再出口。
3.In the modern civil society, the power of administrative compulsory is the most violative and the most dangerous to the human rights and the right of legal person among all the administrative power. 在現代公民社會裡,在所有行政權力中,最具侵犯性、對公民人權和法人權利威脅最大的就是行政強制權。