1.As the war went on, counter-espionage officials developed ways of spotting suspicious letters. 隨著戰事推進,英國反間諜工作人員總結出了許多破解可疑信件的方式。
2.Counter-espionage and security work were to occupy most of Walter's time for the next four years. 和間諜遭遇戰以及秘密工作佔據了沃特隨後四年的大部分時間。
3.They posted the letters to their handlers, hoping that counter-espionage experts would be fooled by the seemingly innocent pictures. 間諜將藏有機密的信件送到郵局,他們希望這些看上去毫無意義的圖案能騙過盟軍的眼睛。