flammulated['flæmju:,leitid]adj. 紅色的
flammulated 紅色的;Deltarhynchus flammulatus Flammulated Flycatcher 焰紅霸鶲;Hemitriccus flammulatus Flammulated Bamboo-Tyrant 紅侏霸鶲;
1.The crinoline of her dark flammulated dress swirled and swayed, sweeping into every corner of the stage. 她深紅色的裙擺旋轉搖動著,掃盡舞台的每一個角落。
2.Flammulated owls nest throughout the American west, mostly in evergreen forests. They lay their eggs in the tree cavities hacked out by small woodpeckers. 美洲角鴞遍佈美國西部,通常在常綠森林中以巢為居,把蛋生在小啄木鳥啄成的樹洞裡。
3.Wiping away the bloodstains remained on the lips, the blaze in her flammulated , ampliative pupils went out tardily, and eventually, settled down into a pool of mild but somber azure. 輕輕拭去嘴角殘存的血跡,她紅色、放大的瞳孔像燃盡的火焰漸漸熄滅,平靜成一泓溫柔、悒鬱的幽藍。