PBS Frontline Muslims 真主的信徒;Frontline Pakistan 風口浪尖的巴基斯坦;Frontline Pakistan 風口浪尖的巴基斯坦;
1.Executive friendliness sets the tone for frontline friendliness. Do friendly people in business make it? I don't know. Nordstrom's friendly. Ask them. 管理層友好會決定一線員工也友好。業務中友好的人會做到嗎?我不知道。諾斯通公司很友好。問問他們吧。
2.The idea is that away from the frontline, soldiers can swop stories and wind down with those who understand their immediate problems. 這一理念就是讓戰士遠離前線,使他們能交換各自情況,能與理解他們心情的人取得聯繫。
3.The military portable ECG for triage is a kind of minitype monitoring equipment for life information for the purpose that the ambulanceman carry through first aids in frontline. 便攜低功耗軍用分檢心電圖機是為救護人員在戰場上進行火線搶救而設計的一款微型生命信息檢測設備。
4.No. FRONTLINE supplies your pet with protection if fleas simply come into contact with your pet's coat within the post-application time periods mentioned above. 不用。蚤不到有提供您寵物的保護層,若是跳蚤在以上提到的警戒期間內只接觸到您寵物的外層披毛也是。
5.During the 44 years since its foundation, IEE has been fighting in the frontline of basic research and high-tech strategic development for electrical engineering discipline. 創建44年來,一直承擔著電工學科重大前沿基礎研究和戰略高技術發展的任務,對大電機、高電壓、電力系統自動化以及電氣測量等關鍵技術問題,進行了深入研究;
frontline first and - 火線搶救