gemma['dʒemə]n. 芽,胞芽
gemma 胞芽;芽胞[從真菌菌絲上長出的一種適於在不良環境下生存的厚壁孢子;高美女;意大利 寶石;Gemma Ward 吉瑪·沃德;沃德;嘉瑪·沃德;吉瑪-沃德;Campsosternus gemma 朱肩麗叩甲;彩虹叩頭蟲;Gemma Mengual 門瓜爾;Gemma Thompson 記者湯普森;
1.Objective Tostudg the killing effect of different glutaraldehyde on bacterium gemma. 目的探討不同類型戊二醛消毒劑的殺芽孢效果。
2.This constellation looks like a half-circle, in middle of which is a white jewel of a star called Gemma. 此星座看起來像一個半圓,在它中間是一顆如同白寶石般被稱作「傑瑪」的星星。
3.A small gemma or similar structure, especially a reproductive structure in some sponges that remains dormant through the winter and later develops into a new individual. 微芽,小芽,原芽一種小的胚芽或相似構造,尤其一具有繁殖能力的構造,存在於一些幼芽中,在整個冬季處於蟄伏狀態,以後可發展為一新個體。
Let's take Gemma by there now. - 我們趕緊把Gemma送去。
If the real owners don't come to claim Gemma ... - 如果狗的主人沒認領Gemma……
Good-bye, and thanks for bringing Gemma in. - 再見,謝謝你們把Gemma送來。