





n. reply ,resolution ,response ,resultv. do ,reply ,resolve ,respond


n. enquiry ,inquiry ,interrogation ,query


answer['ɑ:nsə, 'æn-]vt. 回答;符合vi. 回答;符合n. 回答;答案;答辯


answer 答案;回答;應答;周 昊;Answer Key 答案;答案要點;練習解答;練習答案;answer back 回應;頂嘴;回答;信號回答;ANSWER SHEET 答題紙;答案紙;答題卡;答題紙上;Answer File 應答文件;回應檔;答錄檔;回應檔案;


1.We answered their goal with two quick goals of our own. 我們快速回敬了他們兩個球。

2.Can you the answer to the question? 你能找出這個問題的答案嗎?

3.Can you answer to my question first? 你可以先行回答我的問題嗎?


and he can answer any questions. - 他也可以回答任何問題。

you're going to give me the answer to that question. - 是要給我這個問題的答案。

I said I'd give her an answer in a few days ... - 我說這幾天給她回答……

Oh, you know I never answer that question, Harvey. - 噢 你知道我從不回答這類的問題 Harvey。

Even if you ask me a thousand times, my answer will still be no. - 就算你問我一千遍,我還是會說「不」。

It's time we hired a secretary to answer the phones. - 我們早就該請一個秘書接聽電話了。

If you're not sure, then the answer should probably be no. - 如果你不確定,那麼答案可能就是「不」了。

I can't answer that one. - 我回答不出那個問題。

The answer leapt out at me. - 答案突然在我腦海中閃現出來。

Be prepared to discuss details and be ready to answer questions. - 應隨時準備好討論細節和回答對方的疑問。

The shortest answer is doing. - 最簡短的回答就是做。

I always answer Harmony in the department. - 我總是回答說是部門的和諧。

The shortest answer is doing. - 最簡短的回答是做。

I answer telephones and do some typing. - 我接電話和打字。

Would you answer the phone please? - 你能接下電話嗎?

The telephone is ringing,would you answer it,please? - 電話正在響,你接嗎?

I sure hope I can answer them for you. - 我真的希望我能回答你的問題。

Would you care to answer my question on the warranty? - 你可以回答我有關保證的問題嗎?

I do not know whether you care to answer right away. - 我不知道你是否願意立即回答。

The following answer is subject to official confirmation. - 以下的答案必須再經過正式確認才有效。

That's not my area, but I'll get an answer for you. - 那不是我的範圍,但我會為你找出答案。

Let's ask Mr. Jiang to answer that. - 那件事我讓蔣先生來答覆。

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have. - 各位女士各位先生,現在你們有任何問題我都樂意答覆。

Now, I'd be happy to answer your questions. - 現在,我樂意答覆你們的問題。

To answer the first part of your question, I'd like to say that our studies were very extensive. - 你問題的第一部分,我要說的就是我們的研究非常廣泛。

I'm not really sure about that. Mr. Jiang should know the answer to that. - 關於那事我不敢確定,蔣先生應該知道答案。

Please try and answer the request soon. - 請試著立刻回答人家的請求。

Eventually people are made to answer for their actions. - 人最後會對自己的行為負責。

Don't answer me. - 不要回答我。

I know he will answer your question. - 我知道他會回答我的問題。

What did he answer you? - 他回答了你什麼?

No answer is also answer. - 不回答也是一種回答。

The shortest answer is doing the thing. - 最簡短的回答就是干。

I could answer sixteen of the question.They were very easy. - 其中的16道題。這些題很容易。

But I couldn't answer the rest.They were too difficult for me. - 但我回答不出其作的題。那些題對我來說太難了。

The shortest answer is doing. - 最簡短的回答是干。

Even a child can answer this question. - 即使小孩兒都能回答這個問題。

Your answer is satisfying. I feel satisfied. - 你的答案是令人滿意的。我感到很滿意。

Somebody's knocking at the door. I'll answer it. - 有人在敲門,我去開。

He asked me some personal questions, but I would never answer them. - 他問了我幾個個人問題,我根本不願回答。

Then I arrived home at six o'clock yesterday evening. He telephoned again.But I didn't answer the phone! - 後來,我昨晚6點鐘回到家裡。他又打來電話,但我沒接。

In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. - 作為對這些問題的回答,我不是點頭,就是發出奇怪的聲音。

The ants had been quick to find an answer to my thoroughly unscientific methods! - 螞蟻已很快找到了相應的對策,來對付我那套完全不科學的辦法!

The first question to answer is whether a planet can actually support life. - 第一個需要解答的問題是一顆行星是否有能夠維持生命的條件。

His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by making it ride on a cushion of air, - 他的解決辦法是把船體提離水面,讓船在一個氣墊上行駛,

I just got an answer about the stock we have on hand. - 我剛剛接獲通知我們現有庫存量。

Would you care to answer my question on the warranty? - 你可以回答我有關保證的問題嗎?

I don't know whether you care to answer right away. - 我不知道你是否願意立即回答。

The following answer is subject to official confirmation. - 以下的答案必須再經過正式確認才有效。

Kate, could you answer the telephone, please? I'm busy. - 凱特,你能接一下電話嗎?我忙著呢。


n.近似回答 - approximate answer

n.數字答案 - digital answer


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