





hypertrophy[hai'pə:trəufi]n. 肥大;過度增大


hypertrophy 肥大;肥厚;過度生長;過渡生長;eccentric hypertrophy 遠心性肥大;心肌離心性肥大;離心性肥大;遠心性肥大?;myocardial hypertrophy 心肌肥大;心肌肥厚;concentric hypertrophy 向心性肥大;心肌向心性肥大;向心性肥厚;向心性心肌肥大;idiopathic hypertrophy 特發性肥大;


1.Prostatitis, hypertrophy of the prostate, orchitis, premature ejaculation, impotent. 前列腺炎,前列腺肥大,睪丸炎,早洩,陽痿。

2.In this text, we reviewed the effect of atorvastatin on the treatment of cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. 本文從心肌細胞肥大這個角度闡述阿托伐他汀對心室重塑的影響。

3.Methods:The clinic information of 26 cases in the dysuria for benign prostate hypertrophy was analyzed. 方法回顧性分析26例前列腺增生切除術後排尿困難的臨床資料。


benign hypertrophy of mandibular condyle - 下頜骨髁良性肥大

compensatory hypertrophy of heart; hypercardia compensatoria - 代償性心肥大

giant hypertrophy gastritis; menetriers desease - 厚病

hypertrophy of right heart - 右心肥大

hypertrophy of masseteric muscle - 嚼肌肥大症

benign hypertrophy of masseteric muscle - 嚼肌麻痺

endemic hypertrophy of heel bone - 地方性跟骨肥大

hypertrophy of adenoids - 增殖腺肥大

hypertrophy of vocal cord - 聲帶肥厚

hypertrophy of cervix - 子宮頸肥大

hypertrophy of pyloric muscle - 幽門肌肥厚

hypertrophy of pylorus; pyloric hypertrophy - 幽門肥大

hypertrophy of the heart - 心臟肥大

hypertrophy of tonsil after infection - 感染後扁桃體肥大

infective hypertrophy of a denoids - 感染性增殖腺肥大

infective hypertrophy of tonsil - 感染性扁桃體肥大

infective hypertrophy of lingual tonsil - 感染性舌扁桃體肥大

hypertrophy of tonsillar adenoids - 扁桃體增殖腺肥大

hypertrophy of tonsil - 扁桃體肥大

hypertrophy of salivary gland - 涎腺導管狹窄

hypertrophy o fsalivary gland - 涎腺肥大

hypertrophy of tendon and muscle - 筋粗

hypertrophy of auricular lobule - 耳垂肥大

hypertrophy of anal papilla - 肛乳頭肥大

muscular hypertrophy in newborn - 胎肥

hypertrophy of parotideus - 腮腺肥大

hypertrophy of trigone and interureteric ridge - 膀胱三角及輸尿管間脊增生

hypertrophy of bladder - 膀胱肥大

hypertrophy of lingual tonsil - 舌扁桃體肥大

hypertrophy of interureteric ridge - 輸尿管間脊肥大

hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum - 黃韌帶肥厚


活動性肥大,活動性結核 - activity hypertrophy

n.不對稱肥厚 - asymmetric hypertrophy

n.非對稱性間隔肥厚 - asymmetric septal hypertrophy

n.心房肥大 - atrial hypertrophy

心房肥大 - auricular hypertrophy

n.下頜骨髁良性肥大 - benign hypertrophy of mandibular condyle

n.嚼肌麻痺 - benign hypertrophy of masseteric muscle

n.良性前列腺肥大 - benign prostatic hypertrophy

雙室肥大 - bilateral ventricular hypertrophy

心臟肥大 - cardiac hypertrophy

n.宮頸肥大 - cervical hypertrophy

陰蒂肥大 - clitoral hypertrophy

n.雙房肥大 - combined atrial hypertrophy

雙室肥大 - combined ventricular hypertrophy

n.代償性肥大 - compensatory hypertrophy

n.代償性心肥大 - compensatory hypertrophy of heart

n.補償性肥大 - complementary hypertrophy

n.向心性肥大 - concentric hypertrophy

n.離心性肥大 - eccentric hypertrophy

n.地方性跟骨肥大 - endemic hypertrophy of heel bone

n.顏面肥大症 - facial hypertrophy

n.假性肥大 - false hypertrophy

n.家族性心臟肥大 - familial cardiac hypertrophy

n.功能性肥大 - functional hypertrophy

n.胃粘膜皺壁肥大症 - gastric rugal hygal hypertrophy

n.厚病 - giant hypertrophy gastritis

齦肥大 - gingival hypertrophy

特發性心肌肥大,特發性心肌肥厚 - idiopathic cardiac hypertrophy

n.特發性心肌肥大 - idopathic myocardial hypertrophy

n.感染性增殖腺肥大 - infective hypertrophy of a denoids

n.感染性舌扁桃體肥大 - infective hypertrophy of lingual tonsil

n.感染性扁桃體肥大 - infective hypertrophy of tonsil

n.炎性肥大 - inflammatory hypertrophy

n.左心房肥厚 - left atrial hypertrophy

n.左心室肥大 - left ventricular hypertrophy

n.粘膜皺襞增粗 - mucosal fold hypertrophy

肥肉肥大 - muscular hypertrophy

n.胎肥 - muscular hypertrophy in newborn

n.心肌肥大 - myocardial hypertrophy

甲肥大 - nail hypertrophy

n.卵巢肥大 - ovary hypertrophy

n.病理性肥大 - pathological hypertrophy

n.生理性肥大 - physilolgic hypertrophy

n.前列腺肥大 - prostatic hypertrophy

假性肌肥大 - pseudomuscular hypertrophy

n.幽門肥大 - pyloric hypertrophy

n.右房肥大,右心房肥厚 - right atrial hypertrophy

n.右心室肥大,右心室肥厚 - right ventricular hypertrophy

n.單純性肥大 - simple hypertrophy

扁桃體肥大 - tonsillar hypertrophy

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