bark of official magnolia cortex magnoliae officinalis magnolia bark 厚樸;bark of official magnolia cortex magnoliae officinalis magnolia bark 厚樸;fructus schizandrae fruit of Chinese magnolia vine fruit of Mongolia vine magnolia vine fruit 五味子;fructus schizandrae fruit of Chinese magnolia vine fruit of Mongolia vine magnolia vine fruit 五味子;fructus schizandrae fruit of Chinese magnolia vine fruit of Mongolia vine magnolia vine fruit 五味子;
1.Object To identify Magnolia officinal and Campbell magnolia. 目的對厚樸和滇藏木蘭進行鑒別。
2.Object To identify Magnolia officinal and Campbell magnolia. 目的對厚樸和滇藏木蘭進行鑒別。
3.Native to China, the bark of Magnolia is being researched as an agent against amoebic dysentery. 在中國,厚樸一直被用來治療阿米巴痢疾。
4.It was also found that the heavier the metal pollution the weaker is the ability of Magnolia denudate to adapt to environmental conditions (Duizhao >Lianmeng> Changlongjie). 重金屬污染越嚴重,白玉蘭對環境條件的適應能力越弱(對照>聯盟>長龍界)。
5.Our factory specializes in producing stainless steel dinnerware:double-layer solder side of bowl, wuyi bowl magnolia bowl and so on. 本廠專業生產各種不銹鋼餐具:雙層焊邊碗、如意碗、玉蘭碗、等系列產品。
magnolia vine fruit; schisandra; schisandra fruit - 五味子
magnolia bark - 厚樸
flos agnoliae officinalis; flower of officinal magnolia; magnolia flower - 厚樸花
n. magnolia metal - 木蓮金屬
magnolia flower - 辛夷
magnolia flower - 辛夷花
n.厚樸花 - flower of officinal magnolia