masculinism['mæskju:lizəm]n. 大男子主義;[醫]女子男征
masculinism 男性化;女子男征;男性化, 男性現象;色情男化,男化(女子);
1.At the end of the 1960s, with the decline of masculinism, a completely new artistic school called feminism appeared in the West. 20世紀60年代末,隨著「男性主義」的衰落,在西方藝術領城出現了一個全新的藝術流派-女性主義。
2.But, as influenced by his deep-rooted traditional ideology of masculinism, the images of fiery women also reflect Lao-Shes dilemma of value tropism. 但是老捨所受傳統思想的影響又是根深蒂固的,這些悍婦的形象分明體現出作者潛在的男權意識,表現出其潛在的價值兩難取向。
3.This narrative as such presents clearly the prejudice of masculinism and man-centeredness held by the contemporary male authors and the mainstream social discourse represented by these authors. 這種「女性敘事」反映了當代男性作者及其代表的社會主流話語所持有的女性觀念依然打上了深刻的男權烙印和男性中心意識。