olfact 嗅閾值;氣味單位〔氣味物質在溶液中足以使大多數人發生嗅覺感應的最低濃度,以克/升表示;氣味單位;嗅覺係數;
1."The part of our brain that understands scent is the same part that deals with memory andemotio, " explains Annetee Green, president of the Olfact ory Research Fund in New York. 「大腦中感覺嗅覺和功能區,同樣也是處理記憶和情感的功能區,」紐約嗅覺器官研究基金主席安尼特·格林解釋說。
2.The part of our brain that understands scent is the same part that deals with memory andemotio, " explains Annetee Green, president of the Olfact ory Research Fund in New York." 大腦中感覺嗅覺和功能區,同樣也是處理記憶和情感的功能區,」紐約嗅覺器官研究基金主席安尼特·林解釋說。