n. affected role ,patient role
a. impatient
patient['peiʃənt]adj. 有耐性的,能容忍的n. 病人;患者
patient 病人;病人,患者;耐心;忍耐的;patient lift 病人升降機;patient cable 病人導聯線;釋義:接病人的電線,接通病人的電話線(監護用);Patient file 病人檔案;病人指標;index patient 源頭病人;索引患者;引患者;指示病例;
1.Patient: Good morning, doctor. 病人:早上好,大夫。
2.I think I am quite a patient person. 我認為我是一個相當有耐心的人。
3.Patient:Can I smoke? 病人:我能抽煙麼?
Be patient whit him, he's a child. - 耐心點,他還是個小孩。
You should be more patient with others. - 你應該多容忍他人一些。
The patient showed a marked improvement. - 病人病情顯著好轉。
If he gets scared at the night noises, be patient with him. - 如果他晚上感到害怕,請你們多多見諒。
You should be more patient with others. - 你應該多容忍他人一些。
It seems you are not very patient with me, Ruth. - 露絲,你似乎對我不太有耐心。
Do you think the patient can be cured? - 你認為病人能被治好嗎?
What I have done is due to patient thought. - 我的成就是由於堅忍地思索。
The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. - 第二天,這位病人要了一部床頭電話。
'No,' the patient answered, 'I am Mr.John Gilbert.' - 「不是,」病人回答說,「我就是約翰。吉爾伯特先生。」
Another patient might equally well complain that her neighbours were combining to slander her and persecute her, - 另有一位病人可能同樣有理由抱怨說,她的鄰居們正在聯合起來對她進行誹謗和迫害,
patient with hemorrhagic diathesis - 亡血家
patient suffering from frequent dizziness - 冒家
patient suffering form frequent emisison - 失精家
an unconscious patient has fixed stare - 昏迷患者兩眼凝視
patient subject to hyperhidrosis - 汗家
the patient complains of blurred vision - 病人主訴視物不清
The patient is in a nervous state - 病人處於精神不安狀態
The patient can not feed himself yet - 病人還不能自己進食
chart file; dossier; patient data folders - 病歷夾
debilitated patient; patient suffering from general debility - 虛家
patient harness - 起搏器病人固定帶
progressive patient careunit - 進行性患者監護
one who is liable to catch cold; patient with apoplexy; patient with common cold - 風家
patient suffering from fluid-retention syndrome - 飲家
進行癌症患者 - advanced cancer patient
流動病人,不臥床的患者 - ambulatory patient
n.昏迷患者兩眼凝視 - an unconscious patient has fixed stare
狹心症患者 - angina pectoris patient
不整脈患者 - arrhythmic patient
關節炎患者 - arthritic patient
氣喘患者 - asthmatic patient
n.膽病患者 - bilious patient
黑人患者 - black patient
乳癌患者 - breast cancer patient
支氣管哮喘患者 - bronchial asthma patient
燒傷患者 - burn patient
燒傷患者 - burned patient
癌症患者 - cancer patient
患兒 - child patient
霍亂患者 - cholera patient
慢性系球體腎炎患者 - chronic glomerulonephritis patient
乙型慢性肝炎患者 - chronic hepatitis B patient
冠狀動脈硬化症患者 - coronary sclerosis patient
n.虛家 - debilitated patient
成人標記患者 - degenerative diseases patient
透析患者 - dialysis patient
消化器官癌患者 - digestive cancer patient
往診 - doctor's visit to patient
n.體弱忌用 - drug contraindicated in debilitated patient
赤痢患者 - dysentery patient
癲癇型 - epileptic patient
n.鄭聲 - fading murmuring of critically ill patient
n.女病人 - female patient
施療患者 - free patient
患者管理 - general patient care
老年患者 - geriatric patient
n.老年病人 - gerontal patient
血液透析病人 - hemodialysis patient
高血壓病人 - hypertensive patient
n.住院病人 - in patient
梗塞性病人 - infarction patient
隔離性病人 - isolated patient
分晚狹心症病人 - labor stenocardia patient
後期病人 - last stage patient
n.內科病人 - medical patient
精神病 - mental patient
二尖瓣置換性病人 - mitral replacement patient
新病號 - new patient
近期病人 - newly ill patient
n.感化病人 - persuade the patient
脊髓灰質炎病人 - polio patient
進行性病人管理 - progressive patient care
n.進行性患者監護 - progressive patient careunit
精神病人 - psychiatric patient