





n. windowpane


window['windəu]n. 窗;窗口;窗戶


Window 窗口;窗,窗口;包含;窗戶;French window 落地長窗;落地窗;落地櫥窗;落地長窗(不是「法國窗」);window manager 窗口管理器;窗口管理程序;視窗管理員;視窗管理器;Window Spy 窗體偵探;owned window 附屬窗口;中間過程(階段)自寫碼;附屬視窗;子窗口;


1.How in the window shows a bitmap. 如何在窗口中顯示一幅位圖。

2.Click Freeze Panes on the Window menu. 在「窗口」菜單上單擊「凍結窗格」。

3.The trees come to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth. 綠樹張到了我的窗前,彷彿瘖啞的大地發出的渴望的聲音。


Please have two window seats placed aside for us. - 請為我們保留兩個靠窗口的位子。

There aren't window seats left, but a few enter seats are open. - 那些靠窗的位子已沒有了,但裡面的位子還有。

All window seats are sold out. - 所有靠窗口的位子都賣光了。

No, please go to window thirty-six. - 不是,請到第三十六號窗口。

Is this the window for claiming parcels? - 這是領取包裹的窗口嗎?

Would you mind closing the window for me? - 能幫我關一下窗戶嗎?(你介意關下窗戶嗎?)

Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is? - 請您測量這扇窗戶看它有多寬?

This window is just as wide as that one. - 這扇窗戶就像那一個一樣寬。

Would you be so kind as to open this window for me? It's stuck. - 你能為我打開這扇窗戶嗎? 它粘住了。

This window is just as big as that one. - 這扇窗戶剛好和那扇一樣大。

This window is just as high as thsat one. - 這扇窗戶剛好和那扇一樣高。

This window is just as wide as that one. - 這扇窗戶剛好和那扇一樣寬。

Open the window and air the room. - 打開窗子,給房間通通風。

She sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw. - 她靠車窗坐著,對她所看到的一切都要問個明白。

A woman in jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. - 一位穿著牛仔褲的婦女站在一家高檔商店的櫥窗前。

With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop window to get the dress. - 費了好大勁兒,他爬進櫥窗去取那件衣服。

She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for. - 她開心地迫使那位售貨員把櫥窗裡幾乎所有的東西都拿了出來,最後才買下了她最先要看的那一件。

Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me. - 幸運得很,這喊聲驚醒了我的妻子。就在警察開始向我爬上來時,她打開了窗子。

One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stocking over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. - 一人留在駕駛座上,另外兩個用黑色長筒絲襪蒙面的人跳下車來。他們用鐵棒把商店櫥窗的玻璃砸碎。

As we were walking past a shop, he held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass. - 我們路過一家商店時,他將一顆鑽石使勁地往櫥窗上一按,在玻璃上留下一道深痕。

From an attic window we could get a sweeping view of the river where their land joined ours, - 從頂樓窗口看去,我們農場與他們農場接壤處的那段河流一覽無餘。

Don't look out of the window concentrate on your work. - 別看窗外,專心工作。

Kunta knew it was the middle of the night, for through the small open window high in the wall he could see stars. - 孔塔知道已經是半夜了,因為通過牆的上方開著的小窗,他能看到星星。


rupture of round window membrane - 圓窗膜破裂

half-cap crown; openface crown; window crown - 開面冠

glass window cell - 玻璃窗口試池

skin window technique - 皮窗技術

window absorption - 窗吸收

window width - 窗寬

n. window type restraint weld cracking test - 窗式約束焊接斷裂試驗

n. window type restraint weld cracking test - 窗形約束焊接斷裂試驗

submucous resection; window resection - 粘膜下切除術

the ear as the window of the kindey; the ears the window of the kindey - 耳為腎竅

the eyes as the window of the liver - 肝開竅於目

The lung has its specific orifice in nose; the nose as the window of the lung; the nose is the orifice to the lung; the nose as the window of the lung - 肺開竅於鼻

the window of the spleen - 脾竅

spontaneous rupture of round window membrane - 自發性圓窗膜破裂

tongue as the opening of the heart; tongue as the window of the heart - 舌為心竅

thin window counting tube - 薄窗計數管


腹窗法 - abdominal window method

n.主動脈窗 - aortic window

主動脈肺窗 - aorticopulmonary window

主動脈肺窗 - aortopulmonary window

結合窗 - binding window

n.布魯斯特角窗 - brewsters angle window

蝸窗,圓窗 - cochlear window

n.底窗 - end window

端窗計數器,端窗計數 - end window counter

卵形開窗術 - fenestration of oval window

n.前庭窗小窩 - fossula of vestibular window

n.玻璃窗口試池 - glass window cell

n.雲母窗 - mica window

n.卵圓窗 - oval window

卵圓窗小窩,卵形窗龕 - oval window niche

心瓣膜學 - pericardial window technic

n.圓窗 - round window

圓窗龕,蝸窗小窩 - round window niche

n.圓窗膜破裂 - rupture of round window membrane

n.側窗 - side window

側窗型GM計數器 - side window type GM counter

n.皮片窗 - skin window

n.皮窗技術 - skin window technique

皮膚開窗試驗 - skin window test

n.自發性圓窗膜破裂 - spontaneous rupture of round window membrane

n.耳為腎竅 - the ear as the window of the kindey

n.耳為腎竅 - the ears the window of the kindey

n.肝開竅於目 - the eyes as the window of the liver

n.肺開竅於鼻 - the nose as the window of the lung

n.脾竅 - the window of the spleen

n.薄窗計數管 - thin window counting tube

n.舌為心竅 - tongue as the window of the heart

n.前庭窗 - vestibular window


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