chain-reactingn. 連鎖反應
chain-reacting 連鎖反應;chain-reacting system 鏈反應系統;鏈式反應系統;chain-reacting amount 鏈反應數量;chain-reacting region 鏈反應區;chain-reacting pile 鏈反應堆;
1.Her " in the winter " go to chain-reacting China whole and macroscopical economy. 她的「冬天」將連鎖反應到中國整個宏觀經濟。
2.Most of the time the fuel is uranium, artificially enriched so that 4 to 5 percent is the chain-reacting isotope uranium 235; virtually all the rest is uranium 23
8. 核能發電的燃料大多是鈾,以人工方式加以濃縮,使可產生連鎖反應的鈾235的比率達到4~5%,其餘則為鈾238。
3.and after every Ge node is disturbed by this Ge, can have the reaction that answers, then this Ge reacts You transmits the every Ge node of relation network immediately, generation chain-reacting. 而每個節點受到這個擾動以後,就會有相應的反應,於是這個反應又立刻傳播到關係網絡的每個節點,產生連鎖反應。