Manhattann. 曼哈頓島(美國的一個區)
Manhattan 曼哈頓;曼哈坦;曼哈頓區;曼哈頓;Little Manhattan 小曼哈頓;情竇初開;大城小戀;Midtown Manhattan 曼哈頓中城區;曼哈頓中城;坐落於曼哈頓中城;位於曼哈頓中城;medium manhattan 中性曼哈頓;Manhattan Melodrama 男人世界;曼哈頓奇事;曼哈頓鬧劇;曼哈頓傳奇;
1.Manhattan Square not, please. 請到曼哈頓廣場。
2.Carol: Well actually I commute to Manhattan everyday for school. I see all kinds of disgusting filth. 卡羅爾:事實上,我每天做地鐵去曼哈頓上學,見過各種令人厭惡的東西。
3.Builders working on a new subway station at the southern tip of Manhattan have found the remains of a stone wall thought to be part of a fort that protected the city in the late 17th century. 日前,美國紐約建築工人在曼哈頓島南端的一個新地鐵站工地上發現了一段石牆遺址,這段石牆被認為屬於一座17世紀末修建的守護該市的堡壘的一部分。
In 1626 the island of Manhattan was bought from local Indians, Native Americans, for a handful of goods worth about $24. - 曼哈頓島是於1626年從當地的印第安人(即美洲土著人)手中買來的,只花了價值約為24美元的為數不多的貨物
Because Manhattan Island is made of solid rock, it is safe to build very tall buildings. - 曼合頓島是由堅固的岩石構成的,這使得興建大廈非常安全。