mcdabbr. 城市設計碩士(Master of Civic Design)
MCD 麥當勞;麥當勞公司;微小病變;微小病變腎病;MCD MultipleCommunicationControlUnit 多路通信控制裝置;MCD MaximumCellDelay 最大單元延遲;In McD 極擁擠的麥當勞裡;MCD-US 麥當勞;
1.MCD must be sealed(Manufacturer seal) and signed, and the company seal and company name should use the same language. MCD必須蓋有製造商公司印章和簽字,並且公司印章與公司名稱需使用同一種語言。
2.The software can make MCD company managers see a settlement period energy data, but such information will not be real-time. 這些軟件能讓MCD公司的管理人員看到一個結算週期內的能源數據,但這些數據並不是實時的。
3.Self chuck of the week—-have you ever been at a restaurant where you have to wait to order a counter (subway, mcd's, etc. )? 本周最該撞牆的人——你曾經是否到過某個你點食物時必須在櫃檯前等候的餐廳(賽百味,麥當勞,等等)?