subobjectn. 子對像
subobject 子對像;子物件;子目標;子對象,子目標;balance subobject 餘額子對像;SubObject Level 子物體級別;Face Subobject Mode 面次對像模式;Edge Subobject Mode 邊次對像模式;
1.Treating a derived object as if it were a base is safe, because every derived object has a base subobject. 將派生類對像當作基類對象是安全的,因為每個派生類對象都擁有基類子對象。
2.Effectively, the most derived object contains a subobject for each of its immediate-base and indirect-base classes. 從效果來說,最底層的派生類對像包含其每個直接基類和間接基類的子對象。
3.introducing a cylinder as an additional subobject, it extends the domain of 3D objects which can be generated by the general algorithms for reconstruction. 通過引入圓柱體作為附加的子實體,擴充了一般算法產生的三維實體域。